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  • Assist in development of vendor transition strategy
  • Move to value oriented requirements


Chris Reinartz (Federal)

Corinne Smith (PM3II)

Lynn Blair (PM3II)

Randolph Anagho (LACE)

Marc Santini (LACE)

Pain Points

  • Not enough insight/clinical backround into how users engage with the healthcare system, neither does policy team.
  • HCD must be reactive to policy making understanding customer needs/pain points a moving target.
    • Can HCD be present for policy formation at some stage?
  • No insight into the why of policy until its already solidified. (potential org agility solution) Can that be addressed?
  • Policy contains implementation details, constricting solution development (or does it?) Can that be addressed?
  • Inadequate time for discovery for implementation and impact
  • SMT is shorthanded, Chris has no bandwidth for engagement in program operations
  • Operational inefficiencies caused by team specialization
  • Lack of/ambiguous documentation
  • Enterprise tech decision and timelines are “provided” without regard for policy deadlines or other program delivery pressures
  • Lack of “breathing room” for dev teams and innovation

Desired Outcomes

  • Adequate time for discovery
  • Users understand the changes and how it affects them
  • What users can/should do differently to improve scores
  • Better resources and data real-time to show users how scores are calculated
  • What services are impacted? The cost impact for specific services and care types. (Need validation/clarification from Chris)
  • A solution for counting/scoring of incomplete measures (Measure categories, required completion, incomplete submissions not accepted) is implemented so incomplete entries are not negatively impacting users
  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  • Better management of tech debt, reduction of security patches
  • Clarity on work required to meet deadlines and policy implementation (FPdM?)
  • Delivery Predictability
  • Reduced dependencies between teams to accelerate delivery
  • Inclusion in roadmap discussions for enterprise tech changes

In Scope for QPP Engagement

Recommendations for Chris

  • Investigate testing practices to find opportunities to reduce patches/ tech debt
  • Potential redistribution of devs to leads for other programs
  • Impact analysis of work
  • Value stream mapping/alignment (operational and development)
  • Increase Practice discipline
    • New jira project to align to LACE standards
      • Work item hygiene
      • Workflows
      • Traceability
      • Documentation
    • Scrum across the board
    • Implement/revisit/revise social contracts
    • Value driven, non-implementation specific requirements
    • Role responsibilities training (lace courses and “encouraged” attendance)
    • Start doing the I&A workshop
    • Revive the I&P iteration
    • LACE Observation of refinement meetings (team & program)

Investigative actions for PM3 Team:

  • Investigate the how/if the solution is constricted by policy (or Steven)
  • Teams working on lower priority work where the time spent could be better used.
  • Do other programs model measure changes before implementation?
  • Is anyone doing an impact analysis of not meeting policy deadlines


  • Appetite for reflection/innovation
  • Competent HCD team with access to users
  • Chris will take Lynn and Corinne’s recommendations on program operations
  • Vendor transition provides an opportunity for a “Clean Break” on some practices and behaviors


Chris Reinartz (Federal)

Corinne Smith (PM3II)

Lynn Blair (PM3II)

Randolph Anagho (LACE)

Marc Santini (LACE)

Discussion Focus: Improving Product Management Practice

  • Chris will discuss with Nora about the LACE engagement with her on helping understand the roles and responsibilities of a Product Manager
  • Policy teams not engaged in the delivery process (rarely have tech and policy folks in one room)
  • Policy team has to understand how those policies are implemented 
  • They might be an opportunity to structure development practices better especially on refactoring 

Outcomes: The LACE/PM3 Program Leadership team will draft a roadmap for improving and streamlining the product management process and present to Chris.


Nora Ramos-Michael ()

Corinne Smith (PM3II)

Lynn Blair (PM3II)

Randolph Anagho (LACE)

Marc Santini (LACE)

Discussion Focus: Meet and greet with Nora to introduce the LACE and services. 

  • The meeting started with a warm welcome and introduction 
  • The LACE Team presented its services and how they can be useful 
  • Nora shared their background and role
  • Both sides discussed potential collaboration and the intent of this coaching engagement
  • Meeting ended on a positive not to meet for further discussion 

Outcomes: The LACE/PM3II will meet with Nora weekly for now to understand more about her current role and responsibilities 


Nora Ramos-Michael ()

Corinne Smith (PM3II)

Lynn Blair (PM3II)

Randolph Anagho (LACE)

Discussion Focus: Follow-up meeting with Nora to understand more about her role and responsibilities. 

  • Nora explained the existing product management process on how features are refined and shared with teams
  • She mentioned that features are initially refined in a smaller group with the product manager and policy folks before involving Product Owners in the larger meeting (Feature Definition)
  • The LACE team emphasized the significance of including Acceptance Criteria in feature refinement for clarity and alignment 
  • The LACE inquired about the process of transferring requirements from program refinement to Product Owner
  • Highlighted the importance of understanding the chain of custody for effective handoff

Outcomes: The LACE/PM3II will meet with Nora to start coaching and training on Feature authoring 


Nora Ramos-Michael ()

Corinne Smith (PM3II)

Randolph Anagho (LACE)

Discussion Focus: This meeting was focused on introducing the concept of feature authoring including defining what a feature is, understanding the DoR and DoD for features.

  • Discussed the fundamental definition of a feature as a piece of functionality that provides value to the end-users or customers
  • Emphasized the importance and value of using acceptance criteria and how we can intergrade policies constraints in our features
  • Explored the concept of DoR, which outlines the criteria a feature must meet before it is ready for development 
  • Discussed how a well-defined DoR helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures that features are actionable
  • Covered the DoD, which defines the acceptance criteria that must be met for a feature 
  • Highlighted the role of DoD in maintaining quality and consistency in feature delivery

Outcomes: The LACE will meet with Nora next week to continue coaching session on Feature Authoring

  1. LACE Observation of Key Program Ceremonies
  2. Author value driven feature backlog in new project
  3. Coach PBR with Value driven features
  4. Provide product owner/requirements authoring training/workshop
  5. Identify issues with documentation
  1. Understand Steven's requirements process
  2. Evaluate knowledge transfer elements and recipients
    1. Is the FPdM trying to absorb ALL of Steven's knowledge (technical, architectural, product) or just focusing on understanding the product?
    2. Train FPdM on role responsibilities and practices of product management
  3. Acquire 2024 policy docs (as are relevant to QPP)
  4. Create new Jira project

Link to roadmap:

Next Steps:

  • Lynne & Corinne to draft a timeline to be reviewed during next sync with LACE
  • LACE to meet with Lynne & Corinne on Tuesday, 02/13 to review prior to SMT Sync in the Afternoon
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