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*This clinic outcomes page will be posted in a confluence space available to all Federal and contractor employees in the CCSQ Community

Objectives use SMACIM (Short, Memorable, Aligning, Challenging, Inspirational, Motivational)

Original OKR:

Objective: Add 7 new space lego sets

KR 1: 2 new space lego figure accessories
KR 2: 3 new windshield designs

Rewritten OKR(s):

Program PI Objective

Objective: Delight children and inspire interest in STEM subjects by increasing the space lego line of toys

Key Result 1:  Create 7 new components that illustrate engineering concepts (multiple pieces, not necessarily a set)
Key Result 2:  Integrate new components into at least 5 existing or new models
Key Result 2:  Add and integrate 3 new STEM expert characters into existing sets

Team Level PI Objective

Objective: Increase interest in Electrical engineering by updating models to include buildable circuitry

Key Result 1:  Design at least 5 buildable circuit designs
Key Result 2:  Integrate at least two buildable circuit designs in a model

Examples of Bad OKRs:

Add 7 new space lego sets

Update Application 27B/6 to be compliant with Regulation 3343

Update Quality Measures to include new provider type data






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1 Comment

  1. Kenneth Akumbu Hope you enjoyed the session!