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What is Kano Analysis?
In the 1980s, Noriaki Kano disagreed with the accepted theories that measured customer loyalty. He devised a method to inform product decisions by eliciting customer feedback to features by their affect, or customer emotional reaction. These emotional responses to features are therefore classified into five responses:
Excitement (Attractive)
Performance (One dimensional)
Basic (Must-have)
Why Use Kano Analysis?
Too often in business we make decisions based on what is viable to the business or technically feasible, but we do not involve the customer enough to determine if we are solving the right problem to address their needs and goals. The Kano Analysis is a useful tool to involve your customers and inform decisions around what to build and when to build it.
How to Conduct a Kano Analysis:
Kano Analysis is typically done by employing surveys to your customers. Each question about a feature is asked in pairs:
How would you feel if you had this feature?
How would you feel if you did not have this feature?
Each response is then tallied for all responses to see how the feature maps to customer feeling.
Then business leaders can make decisions of what features to focus on while considering the customer sentiments.
3 Minute Product Manager: Kano Model
Kevolve Product Management | Published on Jan 8, 2014
Building a Winning UX Strategy Using the Kano Model