

Aaron Thompsonx
Adrienne Adkins
Adrienne Rayx

Ahmar Wazir

Arnie Esparterox
Ashley Wx
Betina Fletcher
Branon Barrett
Carol Olsen
Cheri Jerger
Chris Brown
Curtis Phillips
Deb Wilson
Dianna Christensen
Greg Eccleston
Heather Dubendris
Heather Moorex
Howard Thomas
Janet Lea Hutchinson
Jason Clemx
Jason Simmington
Jennifer Baileyx
Justyna Sardin
Karena S
Kathleen Prewittx
Kelly Llewellyn
Kelsey Oklandx
Lakshmi Erigineni
Leah Skrienx
Lisa Reesx
Matt McDonough
Martha Bean
Melissa Fieldhousex
Michael Kennedyx
Nathan Muzosx
Ozlem Tasel
Pandu Muddana
Pani Palanichamy
Porsche Dorsey
Rachelle DuBose Caruthersx
Revathy Ramakrishna
Sarah Fillingx
Seema Sreenivas
Steve Goodman
Vladimir Ladikx
Yvette Brown


Meeting RecordingArnie

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2728 Discussion (Continued)Lisa/EDIs

Guidance for editing CMS-2728 forms

  • Is there a possibility to extend the time period edits are allowed beyond the 5 days?  My understanding is the 5 days was to manage capacity constraints when the Help Desk was taking all of these requests.  Now that the requests are split between all ESRD Networks we should no longer have the same capacity constraint.  I don’t see expanding the timeframe (to say 30-60 days) would increase the volume dramatically. (Nathan)
    • Would be great if the plan from the data managers is one centralized process for all networks
    • The EDIs have not seen the plan yet
    • Lisa suggested that the NCC set up a call with the data managers and the EDIs to go through the plan step by step
    • The walk through will allow the EDIs to provide their feedback before it is approved
    • Per Leah Skrien, they are still making progress on the document and they would be happy to meet with the EDIs to address any concerns
    • Regarding the 5 day rule - it was not just being a capacity concern but also not wanting to alter the forms that would impact Medicare
    • Inform the NCC when the data managers have the process finalized so that the NCC can set up a meeting (Action Item Leah Skrien)
    • Per Leah, they are meeting on it this Thursday if the meeting is not cancelled
    • There still is the 45 day window to submit the form, but have 5 days to EDIT the form

 2728 completion when multiple access types on first treatment are used

  • Nathan would like to know how they can document f a patient uses multiple accesses?
  • How can they get the system to allow it?
  • This should be put in the instructions
  • Two scenarios -
    • If a fistula stopped working and had to switch to the catheter, in the instructions is it both the one that was used the most length of time
    • or if two separate accesses were used
  • Lisa believes it is clear in the instructions on how to handle the scenarios
  • Michael confirmed in the system you can't do it now, its just a dropdown; no plans to change it until they get the new OMB form
  • Nathan also suggest a clear delineation what fields are editable on the 2728 once the process has been ironed out
  • Lisa wanted to make everyone aware that there will be work specifically in nursing homes around Peritonitis
  • There has been discussions on where collecting information about Peritonitis may live
  • Going back and forth between the information living in NHSN or in EQRS
  • After collaborating with CDC, it was decided to include the information in EQRS
  • We are working with the CDC to do some wireframes and determine what type of information needs to be collected
  • They have some rough drafts that need to be run by some users of the facilities and the human centered design team
  • The program will then bring the wireframe ideas, etc to the Program Working Group meeting to show to the EDIs
  • Vlad agrees it is the right decision to have the information in EQRS; two suggestions:
    • Should be done as a separate module similar to Vaccinations
    • It should be kept simple, they may not be able to collect all the Peritonitis information needed
  • Lisa will make sure they discuss with CDC that the information collected will be what the CDC can minimally live with
  • Per Kathleen, instead of creating a brand new module for this, it may be better to put under the infection section in the clinical module
  • May not be a bad idea for the CDC to attend a Program Working Group session to get the EDIs feedback
  • This will probably end up in PI20 (implementation in the 4th quarter of 2022)
  • Nathan request for this group to be made aware of when the CDC attends a Program Working Group session a few days in advance so the appropriate subject matter experts (SMEs) (infection experts) will be available to attend
  • Lisa pointed out they will need facility testers to look at the wireframes
  • Asking the EDIs to recommend people at home facilities that could look at the wireframes; preferably 10 names
  • Need to ask the data managers if they have any one that can also look at the wireframes (Action Item Leah)
  • The EDIs can send their recommendations to Leah
  • Lisa is asking for the networks, send 10 facility names to Leah and Leah will send to Lisa
  • HCD also has a need for volunteers to assist with the ECE
  • Looking for people who file ECEs; there may be a central person that does that
  • This is for the QIP side
  • Anyone familiar with the emergency process to be interviewed for that process would be helpful
  • Per Jason Clem, EOCT is also putting together a list; it was approved to send Monday
  • Adrienne is looking for the people that actually file the ECE and track it
  • The names can be sent to Adrienne

Tracking Emergencies and Tracking Patients

  • It was brought up in a past meeting - EM Resource that is used in Texas
  • Lisa wanted to give a heads up that they may still look at using EQRS to some extent
  • They will start to research in the first PI in 2023
  • This could be a good benefit for the EDIs, clinics, patients, etc
Other future initiativesLisa

Research on improving communication

Usability of EQRS for transplant centers and dialysis facilities

Social determinants of health

Human Centered Design - EDIs may be interested in hearing the NCC.  The NCC has a new data analyst dedicated to HCD

Open Forum






Next meeting scheduled for  

Action Items:

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