

Adrienne Adkins

Ahmar Wazir

Arnie Esparterox
Betina Fletcher
Bridget Calvert
Cheri Jergerx
Chris Brown
Christopher King
Curtis Phillips
Deb Wilsonx
Greg Eccleston
Hari Krishna Pemmasanix
Heather Moorex
Howard Thomas
Jason Bullock
Jason Clemx
Jason Simmingtonx
Jennifer Baileyx
Justyna Sardinx
Karena S
Kathleen Prewittx
Kelly Llewellynx
Kelly Mayo
Leah Skrienx
Lisa Reesx
Martha Beanx
Melissa Fieldhousex
Michael Kennedyx
Nathan Muzosx
Pandu Muddanax
Rachelle DuBose Caruthersx
Revathy Ramakrishnax
Sarah Fillingx
Seema Sreenivas
Shalon Quinnx
Tracey Coleman
Vladimir Ladikx


  • Call will be recorded for the purpose of capturing further meeting notes.  Any objections please let it be known

Passcode: L^k7GWBh 

Program Increment 15 Plans and RoadmapLisa R./Michael K.
  • Slide presentation - PI15 Plans and roadmap

EQRS Program Working Group PI 15_072821.pptx

    • EQRS Product Roadmap showed what was scheduled for PI14 and then what is planned for PI15 - PI17
    • Ongoing include Quality Incentive Program, Routine O&M and Reporting Functionality
    • Dates shown at the top of the roadmap and where projects start and end in different PI's.  Keep in mind we are working in an agile space with our ADO 
    • There may be shift in projects if we find something of more importance
    • Agile environment allows the flexibility to react and reprioritize as needed
    • Be mindful and do not take the dates on the roadmap as gospel
    • Daily Quality Initiatives
      • Enhance Form 2728
      • ESRD Patient Repository within the ESRD Patient Registry
    • Upcoming Data Collections
      • PPSV23 Pneumococcal Vaccination Data
      • Telemedicine Usage
      • Nursing Home Identifier
      • Identify & Visually Display Depressed Patients
      • Additional Kt/V Methods for Clinical Adequacy Values
        • Question from Vlad - Define "Standard" method for measuring Kt/V to support the UFR measure
        • Per Nathan, it's the difference between standard and single pull.  It is what EQRS accepts today and it's the primary calculation for patients that treat 3 times a week,
        • Standard is a more appropriate calculation for patients that are treated 4 or more times a week
        • Need guidance on what numbers are acceptable for QIP.  Ahmar will get back to Vlad with his question.
Round TableAll

Questions Received: See slide #6 and #7 in the slide presentation for more detailed information on questions

  • Comments from the EDIs (DaVita)
    • Seems like a wasted effort for the networks to go directly to the clinics b/c the data is pulled electronically from our EMRs and sent to EQRS
    • Comparing what's in EMR to EQRS will most likely be the same unless a timing issue and data has been corrected in one of the systems, since it was originally pulled
    • 90% of the work is not done by the clinic
    • For limitations on medical records, they have policies and procedures. Their clinics are not allowed to share medical records, it has to go through DaVita's medical records department
    • Seems like a lot of work that could be handled differently.  They have 4 organizations that submit 90% plus of data.  Instead of 18 networks going to "x" thousand clinics, there could be 1 entity go to 4 people and try to work together to solve the concerns CMS may have. Seems more efficient
    • Through the Social Security Act, the networks are required to maintain the registry and the Social Security Act sets up at least 17 networks right now. They are the ones that have to do the work, not one single entity
    • DaVita is supportive of data quality, they are questioning the mechanism with which it's being done.  It seems the least efficient mechanism possible chosen
  • DCI (Vlad)
    • How will the audit be done and who will it the audit is important?
    • Instead of being asked to see everything, all information, it would be nice to limit certain things (for example they want to audit just lab results and depression screening),  The allows a limited data set
    • The data managers will be the ones performing the audit
    • Data Managers will be working with the EDIs (DCI-Vlad)
    • Regarding Transplants, are there any plans to map patients differently from the way it is done today from  UNIS to EQRS, other than mapping by social security? 
    • UNIS data does not include an MBI, the program needs to revisit this

  • DaVita has the mechanism of NHSN to share data, but they stopped reporting it because it takes capacity of people to do the reporting
  • DaVita not reporting has not changed the intensity with which they put behind flu vaccinations.  They have been good at reporting and it's been proven for years
  • Per Lisa, vaccinations are a priority of this administration across CMS
  • CMS will be working on several different aspects of vaccination work in this contract
  • Per Rachelle - NHSN reporting requirements and healthcare worker data - when it was dropped as a QIP measure, they no longer report this and it will be a huge lift to go back to recording this when its not a mandatory measure. If CMS could consider other ways they could deliver the data, it would be appreciated. 
  • Lisa will go back and have some conversations with CDC 

  • Lisa offered to meet again next week to get everyone's thoughts on data quality
  • Lisa requests that the EDI's come up with some ideas to share with leadership
  • It may not change the contract right away because it would have to go through review and discussed internally
  • DaVita (Nathan) will discuss on their side and get back to Lisa this week on how they want to move forward

Additional questions for future communications: 
1. What is MDS? Networks are surveying clinics to ID nursing home patients. Can they use NHSN annual survey and/or MDS rather than surveys?    

2. Definition of nursing home? Is SNF included?    

3. What is definition of Telemedicine and Rural?

4. Can the audit process be discussed? 

    • Lisa does not want to involve the networks at this time 
    • Lisa would like to hear the ideas first and take back to her leadership 

Next meeting scheduled for  

Action Items:

  • DUA - check if we have ability to extend past end of the contract (5/31) Lisa Rees 
  • DUA - Research and see what would happen if we're unable to get it completed in 10 days and get back to the group Lisa Rees 
  • Look into reviewing the Roadmap in future meetings Lisa Rees (discussions still taking place)
  • Need good business rule documentation - capture in a centralized location to shared with the community Lisa Rees 
  • Look and see if there is a way FKC can put in an MBI and it give them back the SSN? Lisa Rees Lisa will take it back to the team and see about getting it put on the backlog
  • Research if it is possible to gather metrics around the SSN issue Lisa Rees 
  • Will they have Clinical Compliance reports available to them at least twice a week? Lisa Rees
  • Vendors will need the cleaned up error codes list Ahmar Wazir 
  • Request that the team that runs the database, when they do open up the clinical submissions for September through December of 2020 for specified time of 7/12 through 9/1 when it's going to close make sure that the 2021 months are NOT accidentally opened Ahmar Wazir 
  • Wants to confirm for attestations testing, the personnel file is setup in prod-preview the same way they are set up in prod? Scott Laughlin 
  • Is there an opportunity for them to test attestation batching next week before they try to do it live? Scott Laughlin 
  • Request that when system is ready for EDI's to start resubmitting, can Scott's team or whomever send an email indicating Phase 3 is now live in production and they may start resubmissions? Scott Laughlin 

DateMilestone (M) / Task (T)DescriptionPhaseStatus
2/28/2021MCode deployed to pre-prod for testing.1Complete
3/15/2021 - 3/24/2021TEDIs perform integration testing.1Complete


MEDIs sign-off on integration testing.1Complete

3/24/2021 - 3/25/2021

TADO prepares for coding deployment.1Complete


MProduction deployment.1Complete
3/31/2021MProd-Preview environment contains refreshed prod data 2Complete
2/24/2021 - 3/10/2021 TReview of phase 2 codes and finalize list of codes.  Complete
3/11/2021 - 4/30/2021TADO perform coding updates and regression testing - Phase 2 (Patient Codes) 2Complete


MProd-Preview environment data refresh.2Complete


MRemaining Phase 2 (Patient Codes) deployed to pre-prod for testing.2Complete

5/4/2021 - 6/1/2021


EDIs performs integration testing - Phase 2 (Patient Codes) 
Starting 5/4 - EDIs submit prod file in prod environment and PP2-3.  This should be the SAME file for both environments.  Review discrepancies between the feedback files and validate codes.



MEDIs sign off-on integration testing - Phase 2 (Patient Codes) 2Complete

6/2/2021 - 6/4/2021

TADO prepares for coding deployment - Phase 2 (Patient Codes) 2Complete


MProduction deployment - Phase 2 (Patient Codes) 2Complete
6/4/2021MPhase 2 (Patient Codes) live in production.2Complete
3/10/2021 - 3/17/2021TReview of phase 3 codes and finalize list of codes.  3Complete
5/12/2021 - 06/08/2021TADO perform coding updates and regression testing - Phase 3 Clinical Codes/27283Complete


MProd-Preview environment data refresh.
6/4/2021 - 6/6/2021T

EDIs SHOULD NOT submit any PATIENT files during this time period in production (to ensure same patients are in PP2-3).


EDIs to drop file into PP2-3 to establish a baseline.



MCode deployed to pre-prod for testing - Phase 3 (Clinical Codes/2728).
Reopening September 2020 to March 2021 Clinical months for submission.

6/9/2021 - 7/6/2021

TEDIs performs integration testing.

Starting 6/9 - Re-drop same file from 6/7/2021 into PP2-3.  Review feedback files from PP2-3 and validate codes.



MEDIs sign-off on integration testing - Phase 3 (Clinical Codes/2728).3


7/7/2021 - 7/11/2021

TADO prepares for coding deployment - Phase 3 (Clinical Codes/2728).3Complete
7/12/2021MPhase 3 (Clinical Codes/2728) live in production.3Complete


MEDSM Implementation Complete (Phase 1 - 3).n/aComplete

7/12/2021 - 9/15/2021


Resubmission of Clinical Data Files (September to December). 

Open July 12, 2021 at 5 a.m. Pacific (8 a.m. Eastern) and close September 15, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time

9/15/2021 is the official closure date for the clinical months of September, October, November, and December 2020.

CMS highly recommends completing large data submissions prior to the official clinical closure date.





Data fully submitted and ready for measure and scoring calculations.

09/20/2021 - 02/28/2022T

Submit January-September 2021 EQRS Clinical Data, ICH CAHPS Attestations, and Clinical Depression Screening and Follow-Up Plan reporting in EQRS. Additionally, all subsequent months in 2021 will open for data submission on the first day of each month (i.e., October opens October 1; November opens November 1; and December opens December 1). 

02/28/2022MThe clinical closure date for all months in 2021 is February 28, 2022 at 11:59 PM PT.n/a

Data Submission (Errors & Warnings) Milestone Dates - By Phase

Phase No.

File Type

Code Bucket Name


ADO Completion Date

LDO Testing Start Date

Testing Completion Date

Production Date



Admit Reasons

11221, 11222, 11223, 11224, 11225







Patient Codes







Clinical Codes







2728 Codes





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