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Dont Get Zoombombed: Best Practices for Secure Zoom Meetings

Remote Working Agreements

In order to be successful in a fully remote or hybrid context, the working agreement must be updated to account for the nuances of digital interactions.

Because working remotely is something new for your team, the working agreement should be reviewed every iteration as the team's practices evolve and new challenges and solutions are discovered. As with all working agreements the team must hold themselves and their teammates accountable for upholding the behaviors of the agreement. 

See Industry standards remote working agreements

Face-to-face communication is a key component of team function. Audio and video technology simulate this experience but only when all participants are engaged and committed to using the tools in these ways:

  • All users need to have webcams. To simulate co-located work environments, we need to see each other.
  • Create a persistent team room with video services. Team members who are on-line and working should be in the team room.
  • Camera's should always be on in the team room. For those not comfortable with being on camera, aim the camera so that it shows the top of your head. Just like in the office, people should be able to look to know if you are there or not. 
  • Simulating face-to-face means hearing the conversations you can add value to and joining in. If there is a lively conversation that you are not participating in, let the team know you're "going on mute". If you are Scrum Master, move lively conversations to a breakout  room or online meeting.
  • Let your teammates or Scrum Master know if you are "leaving the team room" to go to a virtual meeting.
  • Manage statuses and calendars accurately. Ensure your calendar is shared with your team members and those in your product and organizational pipelines. If you are away, create out of office notifications and set your chat status to away. If someone needs you urgently, they should contact your Scrum Master
  • Manage work item status and ownership. Don't make people ask what the status of your work items are. Use your organizations tools to make that information "Always Available". 

 See Work Item Management Best Practices

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