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The CCSQ LACE functions as an agile business team. The DoD for business teams is more general than a DoD for technical delivery teams. 

CCSQ LACE Definition of Done

(and example for agile business teams)

We prioritize delivering value to customers, which is our organizations highest priority

  1. We can demonstrate completed work to our customers and stakeholders

  2. We will respond to feedback to make the work we do more valuable

  3. Features are only complete when our business owners agree the value has been delivered

We believe that Quality is of the utmost importance

  1. Each Acceptance criteria has been met

  2. The work meets the goal of the user story

  3. All work is peer reviewed

  4. The status of the work item to “Done”

We believe that our work should be accessible to the community

  1. We will post all assets produced in confluence, for the benefit of the CCSQ Community or our stakeholders

  2. We will present similar content in a visually consistent manner, both visually and in a way the content is accessed

Example Definition of Done for product and service delivery teams

We promise the organization that we will uphold all technical standards

  1. Ensure all enterprise policies are observed

  2. Ensure all enterprise standards are met

  3. Ensure all organizational standards are met

  4. Ensure all team standards are met

We understand the value and importance of meeting non-functional requirements

  1. All work will be 508/screen reader compliant

  2. All work will meet security standards

  3. All applicable design library components are used

  4. All UI/UX guidelines are followed

We will develop sustainable code for the benefit of the organization

  1. Names for objects, classes and functions are human readable

  2. The code contains lean but descriptive comments

We believe that Code Quality is of the utmost importance

  1. Unit Tests coverage is XX%

  2. Code is peer reviewed

  3. Integration tests are included

  4. The code builds successfully into the integrated solution

We prioritize delivering value to customers, which is our organizations highest priority

  1. Each Acceptance criteria has been met

  2. The work meets the goal of the user story

We acknowledge that we cannot decide when work is complete without stakeholders

  1. The work has been demonstrated to the Product Owner

  2. The Product Owner has changed the status of the work item to “Done”

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