PI Planning Dates: 7/23- 7/24
PI Duration: 7/29 - 10/4
I&P Iteration Dates: 10/7 - 10/18
View the PI 13 Lucid Planning Board: https://lucid.app/lucidspark/dff31218-b1dd-419a-83e2-9bf4a3162812/edit?page=0_0&invitationId=inv_4748d539-3d84-4d0d-b7e4-cc080cc9e778#
PI 13 Objectives and Key Results
PI Objective 1: Support the CCSQ Community's understanding of Business Value in Government Contexts
- KR 1: Create 3-4 minute explainer video on defining business value for PI Objectives
- KR 2: Deliver a lightning talk OR show explainer video about defining business value at QNET Chat on 9/5
- KR 3: Support a deeper understanding of Business Value through a new learning experience
PI Objective 2: Improve internal and external metrics
- KR 1: Utilize RPA to provide updates to Course Attendance dashboard
- KR 2: Add questions to and administer a leadership survey to pinpoint desired insights
- KR 3: Map value stream and provide support for enterprise portfolio processes
- KR 4: Create Prototype Division Dashboard for Shared Services
PI Objective 3: Prototype of enhanced Jira project template
- KR 1: The project encourages best practices and work item hygiene for technical and non-technical agile teams
- KR 2: The business agility project template is applied to the LACE Jira Project
- KR 3: A new project is created and populated with all specs to supporting technical teams
- KR 4: Defining Epic and portfolio epic work practice and operational standards
PI Objective 4: (Stretch) Create two community led communities of practice
- KR 1: Identify and Recruit community members to lead and own CoPs
- KR 2: Work with those members to schedule events and speakers for 12 months and create a Jira project for CoPs
1) Program Support
- ESS Division
2) Training Development, Delivery, and Collaborative Learning
- Define Roles and Responsibilities for CoP
- Develop a Business Value Script (Video)
- Content update for UX & Agile for Software Development and Exercise
3) Enterprise Standards
- Explore Enterprise Survey Options
4) Marketing and Communications
- LACE Insider and Agility Foundations comms
Stories Pts Committed | Story Pts Completed | Training #/ hrs | Registration Total (Fed/Con) | No Shows Total (Fed/Con) |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0/0 | 0/0 |
1) Program Support
- QMVIG DVIQR - Business Owners Training Delivery
- CCOM - User Story Writing
2) Training Development, Delivery, and Collaborative Learning
- Agility Foundations
- CoP Content Development
3) Enterprise Standards
- Explore Enterprise Survey Options
- SoP for activity improvement
- Portfolio Kanban
4) Marketing and Communications
- LACE Insider August
- CoP Participants Kick-off
Stories Pts Committed | Story Pts Completed | Training #/ hrs | Registration Total (Fed/Con) | No Shows Total (Fed/Con) |
21 | 18.5 | 3/13 | 0/0 | 0/0 |
1) Program Support
- Service Center Dashboard Support
2) Training Development, Delivery, and Collaborative Learning
- Lean Portfolio Management- LPM Training
- Vertical Slicing Training
- Qnet Chat Deck
3) Enterprise Standards
- Portfolio Kanban- ESS
- Jira template prototype
4) Marketing and Communications
- LACE insider
- CoP invites
Stories Pts Committed | Story Pts Completed | Training #/ hrs | Registration Total (Fed/Con) | No Shows Total (Fed/Con) |
23 | 21 | 1/16 hrs | 17/6 | 0/0 |
1) Program Support
- Service Center Dashboard Support
2) Training Development, Delivery, and Collaborative Learning
- UX & Agile for Software development Training
- Community Event on Business Value Demystify
3) Enterprise Standards
- Test Workflow for Jira template prototype
- QuickSight Exploration for metrics
- Ceremony Observation (iQies Sys Demo on 9/17 and D&A Art Sync on 9/18)
4) Marketing and Communications
- Community Event on Business Value
- Joint UX & Agile for Software development Training
- LACE insider for Sep
- Business Value Comms
Stories Pts Committed | Story Pts Completed | Training #/ hrs | Registration Total (Fed/Con) | No Shows Total (Fed/Con) |
24 | 21 | 2/4 | 2/21 | 1/14 |
1) Program Support
- CCOM PI planning/ Observation
- Service Center Dashboard Support
2) Training Development, Delivery, and Collaborative Learning
- Business Value Training Delivery
- Program Observations (HQR, QPP, and CCOM)
3) Enterprise Standards
- Quicksight assessment report navigation
- Project Workflow prototype testing
4) Marketing and Communications
- LACE insider for Oct
- Pre-Training Comms for Q4 CoE's
- Business value training last call registration slack/email
Stories Pts Committed | Story Pts Completed | Training #/ hrs | Registration Total (Fed/Con) | No Shows Total (Fed/Con) |
20 | 19 | 1/2 | 23 | 0/0 |