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Program Backlog Composition

This pie chart shows the current Feature backlog make-up by type. A healthy backlog is comprised of:

  • Features - deliver user functionality
  • Enablers - deliver architectural runway and system enhancements
  • Exploration Enablers - activities needed to develop an understanding of system solutions or customer needs (requires Feature to be labeled "Exploration Enabler")

Compare this chart to PI capacity allocation for the PI to ensure the backlog supports the program's needs for features, Enabling work, and technical debt.

Program Backlog Health

This pie chart shows the current status of Program features on the backlog and can be used to measure readiness for the upcoming PI (Program Increment).  As the next PI nears you would expect an increase of work in Ready for PI state. If there are many features in Analyzing and Refining consider adding WIP (work in progress) limits to your feature kanban to increase throughput and preparedness for PI Planning. 

Enterprise Work Management Standards defines the scheme for labelling enablers, using one of the four enabling types(Architectural, Compliance, Exploration, Infrastructure) as defined by the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). To support enterprise clarity into how much of each type of enabling work is being completed, please use the enterprise label schema for all enablers. When adding the appropriate enabler labels, also remove the enabler label if you are currently using it to identify enablers in your program. Enabler labels exist in Jira, in the format <EnablerType>_Enabler, ie. "Architectural_Enabler" for more information, select the "Enablers" tab on the Enterprise Work Management Standards page.

Enterprise Work Management Standards for feature workflow leverage the Scaled Agile Framework's (SAFe) program Kanban. The use of statuses not included in the SAFe program Kanban may cause your program's data to be inaccurate and create disconnects and the associated communications overhead to clarify. To ensure the best quality of data, ensure the timely and accurate transition of work items through the full workflow, providing program and enterprise stakeholders an accurate picture of the overall preparation level of the program backlog for upcoming PI's. It also benefits program leaders, as they can see if the backlog supports the intended capacity allocation for the upcoming PI. Learn more about the Enterprise Standard Program Kanban Statuses and Workflow by selecting the "Features" tab on the Enterprise Work Management Standards page.

Features Started and Closed per PI

This graph shows the number of features in a status at the start of each PI

What to expect from the chart:

  • The Ready For PI numbers would expand until program performance normalizes, as in the chart to the left
  • The funnel numbers will increase over time as potential work is identified
  • Refinement numbers will be higher when Ready for PI numbers are lower
  • The number of items in the Analyzing status should mirror the WIP limit on the program kanban
  • Helps program leaders determine if the backlog supports the intended capacity allocation for the upcoming PI

Enterprise Work Management Standards for feature workflow leverage the Scaled Agile Framework's (SAFe) program Kanban. The use of statuses not included in the SAFe program Kanban may cause your program's data to be inaccurate and create disconnects and the associated communications overhead to clarify. To ensure the best quality of data, ensure the timely and accurate transition of work items through the full workflow, providing program and enterprise stakeholders an accurate picture of the overall preparation level of the program backlog for upcoming PI's. It also benefits program leaders, as they can see if the backlog supports the intended capacity allocation for the upcoming PI. Learn more about the Enterprise Standard Program Kanban Statuses and Workflow by selecting the "Features" tab on the Enterprise Work Management Standards page.

This chart shows the number of features started (blue line) and the number of features completed (grey line).  The curve of these lines should be similar with minor deltas.

Note: The numbers for the current PI reflect the state of features in the PI as of today. It does not represent all planned work for the PI.

The Enterprise Work Management Standards Best Practice for Feature management is to close Features within the PI they are delivered. However, the report will include any features closed within the first 8 days of the subsequent PI. As with all work, the Enterprise Work Management Standards define the timely and accurate transition through the program workflow. For more information on the Feature Workflow, select the "Features" tab on the Enterprise Work Management Standards page.

Features In Status at PI Start

Cycle Times Report

This chart shows the ongoing average days of features created, and more importantly the average amount of days of all features from the beginning of implementation to completion. Ideally the average stays significantly below the timebox of a Program Increment

All Team's Backlog Composition at PI Start

All ART Teams' work delivered by PI

All Team's Backlog Composition at PI Start

This report shows the approximate percentages of all teams' backlogs work items at the start of the PI. The horizontal x-axis indicates the percentage of all teams ART work items while the vertical y-axis indicates name of PI. This report will show the percentage of all ART teams work item (load) in their backlog for a specific PI.

The report represents all User story types used by most programs in CCSQ (Action item, Improvement, Insight, Problem/Enhancement).

It also represents all Research work item types used by CCSQ programs (Spike, Research Design, Discovery Initiatives)

Enterprise Work Management Standards encourages ART teams to use User Stories work item with appropriate label tags instead. The report represents all User story types used by all programs (Action item, Improvement, Insight, Problem/Enhancement). To support enterprise clarity into how much of each type of User Story work exist in your team's backlog, please use the correct User story type.

When adding the appropriate enabler labels, also remove the enabler label if you are currently using it to identify enablers in your program. Enabler labels exist in Jira, in the format <EnablerType>_Enabler, ie. "Architectural_Enabler" for more information, select the "Enablers" tab on the Enterprise Work Management Standards page

Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD)

This is an area chart that shows the various statuses of work items for an application, version, or iteration. The horizontal x-axis in a CFD indicates time, and the vertical y-axis indicates cards (issues). Each colored area of the chart equates to a workflow status (a column on your board).

The CFD can be useful for identifying bottlenecks. If your chart contains an area that is widening vertically over time, the column that equates to the widening area will generally be a bottleneck.

CFD shows the tasks at each stage of the project over time. In the example on the left, the purple area represents the tasks that are completed, the yellow area represents items in development, and the light blue area covers the backlog refinement.

CFD may seem complicated at first but upon closer look, it can provide a number of useful insights. For example, the vertical axis of the chart shows the number of tasks currently being worked or completed. 

The horizontal line represents cycle time. 

Click here to read more about CFD

  • No labels