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CCSQ Data & Analytics Communications Call
DateThursday, September 15, 2022 at 1:00 pm ET
Passcode: =ugW&F65
  1. Fall 2022 CMS Data Camp Announcement
  2. Claims Data Issue and Impact Analysis
  3. System Updates
  4. Data Source and Usage Updates
  5. CDR Persistent Storage Migration Update
  6. Notebook Alternative Effort Update
  7. CSAT Update
  8. Q&A  
Claims Data Issue: Final Action Discrepancy
  • Issue Description: Final Actions in Claims data may change over time, as data refreshes will update Final Actions value in historical data
  • Resolution Plan: Data refresh workflows need to be updated and final actions values will be backfilled to original legacy values in a different column to mitigate user impact
  • Impact Analysis: Poll to measure impact of backfill on CCSQ user analytics and deliverables
System Updates

Lagging Issues:

  • Issue Description: SAS Viya users have reported intermittent lagging and freezing while utilizing the application.
  • Resizing efforts have taken place during the September 9th maintenance event to improve SAS job processing times

Scheduled Maintenance Events:

  • October 7th
  • November 4th
  • December 2nd

All events will begin at 8:00 pm ET and end approximately at 11:00pm ET. Some events may require longer time, in which case users will be notified separately. A communication will be sent out once maintenance is complete. As a reminder, whenever there is maintenance on the environment, you will need to make sure all of your code and table changes are saved.

Known Issues

QMARS Longer Text Fields - 1/12/2021

  • Workaround: Consider using healthcare_service_qmars_ng if your DUA supports it
CDR Persistent Storage Migration
  • Data & Analytics Team have started to reach out to CDR users to migrate legacy hive data sets from HDFS to S3 in phases
  • Benefits:
    • Frees up disk space within CDR Cluster
    • S3 storage provides unlimited capacity, better persistence, and lifecycle capabilities
    • Supports future migrations of CDR Architecture to better alternatives
  • Dependency: Data & Analytics will depend on teams for coordination and validation of migrated data sets
  • Migration will be completed in phases with multiple groups at a time
    • Phase 0: X-small databases (up to 100 GBs) – Completed (Aug 2022)
    • Phase 1: Small databases (100 GBs - 1TB) – Completed (Mid-Sep 2022)
    • Phase 2: Medium databases (1-3 TBs) – In Progress (ETC: EOM Sep 2022)
    • Phase 3: Large databases (3-10 TBs) – Completed (Mid-Sep 2022)
    • Phase 4: X-large databases (10+ TBs) – In Progress (ETC: EOM Sep 2022)
  • FAQs
    • What tables will I see during the migration?
      • During migration, you will have access to your original tables and see temporary, duplicated tables with a ”_CDRTMP” suffix. These temporary tables are used to store your data sets in S3 buckets before they are swapped into production.
    • Do I need to update my SAS or Zeppelin code?
      • You will not need to change your code at any point before, during, or after the migration effort as we will be migrating your data in the background and swapping in new tables in place of the original table names.
    • Should I clean up old tables?
      • If we have not notified you that we are working on migrating your databases, please do clean up your old tables. Otherwise, once the migration is in progress, please avoid removing legacy tables until after the migration is complete.
    • What changes should I expect after the migration?
      • You will no longer have limits on hive data usage while your databases and tables maintain the same names.
Notebook Alternative
  • The pilots will allow us to confirm with users whether Sagemaker Studio + EMR or Databricks Notebooks + DBX Compute would be a better long-term alternative to replace Zeppelin and Ambari
  • This is being done to provide a stable, scalable environment, improve developer productivity, and decrease analysis runtimes
  • We are collecting and analyzing user feedback throughout the pilot to ensure the tool meets the needs of the community
  • Pilot Update:
    • Databricks – Evaluation Complete (Aug 2022)

    • Sagemaker Studio / EMR – Evaluation In Progress (ETC: End of Sep 2022)

    • Upcoming: Complete Sagemaker Evaluation and Start Analysis (ETC: Oct 2022)

CSAT Updates: Data Refreshes

Currently, D&A team is working to backfill CSAT data sets

  • June 2022 – Completed (Sept 2022)
  • July 2022 – Completed (Sept 2022)
  • August 2022 – In Progress (ETC: Mid-Sept 2022)
  • September 2022 - Upcoming (ETC: EOM Sept 2022)
    • note: at this point, we will be back on schedule
Q&AThe questions and answers will be available shortly.