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F R E Q U E N T L Y   A S K E D   Q U E S T I O N S


If I cannot make a session, will I be able to watch it later?

The sessions were recorded and are available here.


Do I have to attend the entire day?

We encourage you to join us for the entire time; however, the event will be an open-house style format, and you are welcome to join portions of the program that align with your schedule and interests. So be sure to register and mark your calendar for the sessions that interest you the most. 


What kind of prizes are you giving away?

Attendees will be entered into drawings for 9 prizes! 

  • Custom Avatar. Win one of two avatars formatted for Slack, MS Office... or pretty much anywhere. Personally characterized by a graphic designer based on your headshot.
  • Custom Zoom Virtual Background. Win one of five backgrounds designed personally for you and formatted to meet Zoom specifications.
  • Lunch n' Learn. Win one of two Zoom-based HCD presentations or workshops for you and your team or business group.

Learn more about how the drawing will work.


Can I have a copy of the presentations?

Yes, the presentations are available here.


How will I know if a session will be of interest to me?

First, review the schedule to learn more about the sessions. We have labeled each session with likely areas of interest (case study, government, leadership, policy, product, research, strategy, technology, and user experience).

The schedule identifies a keynote presentation, two plenary sessions, and a panel discussion that we anticipate will have the broadest appeal to all attendees. We expect all the sessions to provide insightful information as we explore systems that provide healthcare in all its many forms. 


Does the event qualify for self-education and training? 

Yes, ISG Federal employees can use CCSQ World Usability Day as a direct contribution to spend 5% of their time, approximately 8 hours per month, on self-education. Management review and approval of training attendance must occur before registration. After attendance, ISG Employees can self-attest to their attendance and education hours and will record those hours on the ISG Education Connection Training Tracker. 


When is the next World Usability Day?

Mark your calendars for World Usability Day 2023 on Friday, November 10 and look for more to come on next year's theme and CCSQ events.


Will I be able to participate during the event and connect with other attendees even though it is virtual?

There will be time for Q&A sessions at the end of each presentation and breakout rooms to meet the speakers.  


Who is the event for?

CCSQ World Usability Day is open to the entire CCSQ, QualityNet, and CMS community. We have a diverse group of professionals presenting topics relevant to positions across the product development ecosystem and beyond. You can find the intended audience within each session description, but do not be afraid to join if you do not see your exact area of interest listed. We have labeled each session with likely areas of interest: case study, government, leadership, policy, product, research, strategy, technology, and user experience.


If you want to learn more about the Human-Centered Design Center of Excellence (HCD CoE), please contact us today.

For the QualityNet Community:

Visit our HCD Confluence Site  -or- our QualityNet Slack channels #hcd-share, #hcd-wud

For all other visitors, please feel free to email us at: 

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