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HCD Team

Iteration Planning

  • Timebox: 2-4hrs/2 weeks iteration
  • Purpose: The team defines and commits to what will be built in the next Iteration
  • Attendees: PO, SM, Agile Team, and invited stakeholders
  • Facilitator: SM or PO
  • Preparation:
    • Team capacity and velocity are established
    • Team PI Objectives and Features
    • Candidate's stories for the iteration are READY and prioritized
Meeting's flow
  1. Establish the Team’s capacity and velocity
  2. Revisit all the READY stories/enablers for the Iteration
  3. Discuss how to complete each story/enabler
  4. Load stories into the Iteration until capacity is reached
  5. The team commits to the iteration goals
Recommended practices
  •  Invited Development stakeholders are present
  •  Team capacity and velocity/load are revisited if necessary
  •  DoR and DoD for the sprint are revisited if necessary
  •  Each story/enabler is revisited (description, AC, size, ...) and passes the DoR
  •  Team capacity allocation is established (load allocated for maintenance, refactors, tech debt, or any relevant work item type)
  •  Sub-tasks are created to highlight how to complete a story/enabler when necessary
  •  Stories & enablers planned for the upcoming Iteration respect the team's velocity
  •  Iteration's goals are defined
  •  The team commits to achieving iteration goals
  •  Iteration is started at the end of the meeting
Notes from HCD Observation

Sprint Planning on  

Duration: 9:30am - 11:15am

Attendees: Rob, Amy, Meaghan, Chelsea, and Howard. 


  • The team closed the sprint today (10/31) since it’s the last day and planning started the same day.
  • stakeholder was not present 
  • 3 stories carried over for the next sprint. Out of 38 stories committed in this sprint 1.
  • HCD uses story points per day to calculate capacity. Since HCD is planning for the entire month, it is difficult to plan work ahead without estimating the scope of work vs. how many numbers of days takes the team to complete the work. The team estimated 22 story points for the entire month of sprint planning.
  • During the conversation, the PO is going over capacity and planning, but the team did not look into their backlog to plan priorities. 
  • Some new team members have different opinions on sizing since they are new to the team. (Creator Facilitator Story) 
  • Some stories committed to this new sprint are being pushed to the next sprint. the team is not looking at their backlog during planning, several stories did not look into Acceptance criteria. 
  • PO provides solutions, making it harder to guide the team on the "how" and allowing the team to think about solutions (value desired) on the who, when, how, and why.
  • Howard seemed unclear on the story assigned to him on (coms and marketing) opportunity to better refined and look into DoR/ DoD to ensure the intent of the story is understood/ dependencies addressed prior to committing to the work.
  • Unknowns on iQIES effort and work since HCD plans work for an entire month. Opportunity to collaborate with LACE/CMS on expectations on the scope of work and stakeholder
  • A team working agreement is being sent to Rob, eventually, the team should be doing it as an activity all at once coming up with specific agreements as a team and reviewing them.
  • HCD did an amazing job with its Halloween theme, each sprint has a theme making it fun for the team. 
  • The team uses a confident vote at the beginning to ensure the Sprint Commitments can be achieved.

Daily Stand-up

  • Timebox: 15 mins daily
  • Purpose: Daily checkpoint to synchronize and collaborate on achieving the Iteration Goals.
  • Attendees: Agile Team members, SM, PO
  • Facilitator: SM
  • Preparation: Updated work management tool or team board
Meeting's flow

Each Agile team member answer the questions:

  1. What did I do yesterday to advance the Iteration Goals?
  2. What will I do today to advance the Iteration Goals?
  3. Are there any impediments that will prevent the team from meeting the Iteration Goals?
Recommended practices
  •  Team member collaborates and synchronizes their work around the board 
  •  Alignment across the work until the next business day is created
  •  Risks/impediments blocking the team are surfaced
  •  Potential impacts on cross-depending teams or work items are discussed
  •  Stories/enablers are moved to "Done" when they pass the DoD 
  •  Sprint Burndown is shown to assess the progress toward the completion of the sprint goal & commitment
  •  16th minutes topics or follow up actions are agreed
Notes from HCD Observations

DSU on  

  • Attendees: Rob Fay, Meaghan Hudak, Chelsea Brigg, Howard Montgomery, Amy Castellani. 
  • Status report from the team 
  • Several times Scrum Master was interrupted not being empowered for SM to play the role of Scrum Master
  • Scrum Master shared (16min) parking lot for further discussions
  • Great conversations about community and HCD and how they can plug into other areas. Artifacts and knowledge sharing, personas development
  • The parking lot turned into a sharing knowledge session where Chelsea shared the functionality of a new tool with HCD team 
  • No discussion about sprint goals
  • Metrics were not shared, burn down or progress toward meeting the sprint commitment
  • Dependencies or blockers seemed a bit unclear. 
  • The waiting column on kanban board doesn't appear to have WIP limits making it difficult to assess blockers or impediments. 
