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Iteration Review

    • Timebox: 1-
  • 2hrs
    • 2 hrs/2 weeks iteration 
    • Purpose: Provides the
  • team the opportunity to present the work completed, acceptance criteria met, and its functionality to PO and stakeholders and collect feedback.
    • true measure of progress by showing working product increment 
    • Attendees: PO, SM, Agile Team, and stakeholders invited
  • stakeholders
    • by the PO 
    • Facilitator: SM or PO 
    • Preparation:
  • PO and SM work with the team to ensure the team has not seen the presented completed work for the first time allowing for cross-functionality
Meeting Flow
  1. The team presents the "done" code or completed work to PO and stakeholders
  2. Value delivery is articulated
  3. Functionality not "done" or completed is not shown 
  4. Feedback generated from the demo is collected  
  5. Feedback is collected and put in the team backlog 
      • The review is prepared as a team (PO & team) to avoid PPT presentation in favor of demoing in a staging environment. If necessary, consider adding a ticket to the team backlog for review preparation 
      • Agree on the DONE stories/enablers to be demoed, their order of presentation, and the presenter 

Meeting Flow
  1. Review business context and Iteration Goals 
  2. Demo and solicit feedback on each Story, spike, refactor, NFR 
  3. Discuss stories & enablers not completed and why 
  4. Identify risks, impediments, and share any insights that could impact a future planning/release 
  5. Revise team backlog and Team PI Objectives as needed 
Recommended Practices
  •  Invited Business stakeholders are present 
  •  The meeting is kick-offed by the PO who presents PI objectives addressed during the iteration with their corresponding iteration goals 
  •  Only DONE stories/enablers (passes DoD) are demoed in an environment similar to production if possible or as specified in the DoD 
  •  Agile team members are invited to contribute - to demo individual stories/enablers when independent business value 
  •  Business stakeholders are engaged: they are invited to provide feedback and share new insights 
  •  Remaining PI Objectives, PI scope, potential risks, and trade-off or reprioritization opportunities are discussed 
  •  The team's accomplishments are acknowledged by the invited stakeholders  
  •  The team is proud of their accomplishments and can celebrate 
  •  The team backlog is updated based on feedback and new insights collected 
  •  Stories/enablers not completed are moved to the backlog for reprioritization 
Recommended Practices
  •  Come prepared to share the intent of the story and completed work
  •  What is the value delivery of this piece of functionality 
  •  Update the status iteration goals and board for visibility
  •  Ensure the work has been tested and is ready to demo 
  •  Talk about any research or spikes as a result of findings
  •  Be present and engage
  •  Minimize technicality
  •  Keep cadence time-box
  •  Seek feedback from stakeholders
Notes from HCD Observations
