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This clinic outcomes page will be posted in a confluence space available to all Federal and contractor employees in the CCSQ Community

Original Story: As a QSEP Administrator, I want the system to capture in an audit log, information identifying that a new period of review was created so that in the event of a security audit I can show when the new period of review was created. 


1. The system should capture an audit log entry after the review period has been created.


  •  The business value statement is good!
  •  Excellent Given, When, Then statement
  •  Notes add value and context
  •  User story has mockup example of audit log file.

Revised Story: 

As a QSEP Administrator, I want the system to capture in an audit log, information identifying that a new period of review was created so that in the event of a security audit I can show when the new period of review was created. (no changes)


Verify the system has captured an audit log entry after the review period has been created.
