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titleGlobal Issues

#Jira KeySeverityDoneChartIssue SummaryNotes
1LACE-3168HighDoneFeatures started and closed by PIClosed Issues  count w/in PI are wrongClosed Issues measure calculates cumulative results, rather than closures w/in the PI date boundaries
2LACE-3766HighDoneAll Reports using PI date measuresMinor differences in issue countsEazyBi Standard measures results differ from Jira Queries
MediumDoneFeatures in Status by PITime Member Lags by one periodWhen Using the PI Start Date Measures For Open Issues measure(and presumably all other counts), the implementation numbers are correct but show the value from the previous PI for each PI on the chart
MediumDoneAll Reports using PI date measuresEliminate Custom Start date and PI Measures

Identify a solution for getting PI Start/End date from Jira and eliminate program specific custom measures.  EQRS creates a releases for each PI.(fix version Start date measure) Need to find out what other programs are doing 


Programs have inactive teams

Inactive teams forces us to select individual team projects, requiring maintenance (removal or addition of projects) to the data import to maintain accurate issue counts for charts aggregating data from all program teams. Project Categories could be used or Project Labels (if they exist) 

We are using project categories now, which works when ONLY the projects for the active teams are included in the import AND Categorized. Refer to line 14.

Cumulative FlowTime Period changes with PI selectionShould show a 12 month window. Because time is in Rows, its taking the value from the time dimension current member selection. We cannot use the 12 month time dimension member because PI selection is a common page element. We need a custom measure (in measures dimension) to fix 12 months
MediumDoneFeatures Started and Closed by PIRemoved Issue Histories Closed LineThe red line shows cumulative issues count, which is not particularly valuable and creates confusion. This will require a customized measure
Program backlog healthAggregate statuses The statuses are individually selected and there are more statuses that include items in the New to ready status domains
AllGranular aggregate statusesWe have aggregated all statuses into the proposed user story workflow statuses, but to provide more granular reporting on program backlog, we may need specific aggregations to support more awesomerness
Program Wide Backlog compositionRandom issues not showing in EazyBI but in Jira Validation QueryIssues EQRSMD-12, EQRSMD-20, EQRSMD-32, EQRSPRTL-46 are not showing up in Eazy but show up in a Jira validation query.  EQRSMD-12, EQRSMD-20, and EQRSMD-32 were migrated from a different project and changed from task to a story, but EQRSPRTR-46 has no anomalous history changes, but was resolved on the day of the report
PI over PI Program Backlog CompositionSuggestion for new chartGiven: As a system matures operational spend should reduce allowing more capacity for feature based user enhancements. Should we have a bar chart that shows same data as Current Program Backlog Composition PI over PI?

Current Program Backlog Composition Possible enhancementCan we enhance Exploration Enablers to create new measure combining label and feature name search?
lowDoneDate formats not portable between EazyBI and JQLMakes it harder than needed for validationWe updated these to match in EazyBI and the put the correct formats into the Validation Queries page
14QNASK-8375HighDoneVerify with RTEs its ok to remove defunct teams from project categories
I have received permission from RTEs in HQR and iQies to remove defunction teams from the project categories, and a Jira ticket has been submitted to do any addition/removal of teams from those categories
Issues tagged with more than one enabler type are counted twice

The resolution conversation is that since the RTE's are moving to the new enabler labelling schema, that we wouldn't bother finessing the measures to account for this scenario, BUT, the RTE's have been slow to apply the schema, so we are still seeing expected variances in the counts based on this condition. Brandy Barnette we should discuss

Cycle TimesCycle times report needs to use pre-calculated time boundariesWe need to look into managing PI's with custom time hierarchy.
Features Started and Closed in PIIssue with PI boundary conditionsIt is evident that work from prior the prior PI is being updated in the first week of the subsequent PI. Using the PI end date as a hard cut-off is leaving out some 'Done' work. If you look at the JQL below you can see may features that were set to Done on 7/6 and 7/7. These features were worked on in the prior PI (PI18) but are being counted in the Done features for PI 19. We need to find the best way to capture completed work. Should we use a combination of PI selectors (fix version or label)? JQL: Project = " End-Stage Renal Disease Quality Reporting System" AND issuetype = 10000 AND status changed to Done during (2022-07-06, 2022-09-27)  ORDER BY resolved ASC
Features in Status on PI start DatesMissing story definiton status for iQiesneed to add "story definition" status to capture iqies features 
Cumulative flowstatuses do not match program status


  • How do we handle ongoing maintenance of PI dates
  • All programs have inactive teams, dirty projects
  • Backlog comp charts relies on tags, not work item types
  • Most projects have inactive teams. Can we create new project categories so we can avoid custom measures like "EQRS ART Teams"
  • How can we have RTEs input Jira data so PI measures are not a LACE support request?
    • create an epic with Start/End dates?
    • EQRS uses a release per PI. Can we use it? What are other programs doing?

  • Research how to make the Cumulative Flow time boundary 'last 12 months' instead of by PI
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PI measures use dateBetween, JQL uses during. May need to expand PI measures by one day on either side
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titleGlobal Issues
Jira KeyIssue SummaryChartNotes
LACE-3168Issue counts on sparklinesFeatures started and closed by PIneed to re-identify which sparklines are correct
minor differences in issue countsAll Reports using PI date measures

PI measures use dateBetween, JQL uses during. May need to expand PI measures by one day on either side
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titleEQRS Dashboard Issues

#Jira  IDSeverityDone
Issue Summary
Jira Key
EQRSsparklines on features started and closed incorrectLACE-3168need to re-identify which sparklines are correct
EQRSminor differences in issue counts

Add PI 18 to Dashboardall reports using PI start datePI planning for PI 18 is right around the corner. Measure in time dimension needs to be added for all reports using PI start date

EazyBI is not returning Features that meet a date conditionFeatures Started and Closed

should be returned in PI17 as it was changed to Done on Image Added

JQL (Project = " End-Stage Renal Disease Quality Reporting System" AND issuetype = 10000 AND Status changed to Done during (2022-01-19, 2022-04-12)  ORDER BY key ASC) is counting this feature but EazyBI is NOT.

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titleiQies Dashboard

#Jira Issue IDSeverity
Issue Summary
Jira Key

LACE-3168EQRSsparklines on features started and closed incorrect

need to re-identify which sparklines are correct

EQRSminor differences in issue counts
PI measures use dateBetween, JQL uses during. May need to expand PI measures by one day on either side