QualityNet Jira and QualityNet Confluence will be briefly unavailable on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, between 8:00 PM ET and 9:00 PM ET while the team performs an AMI update.  If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to us in Slack at #help-atlassian.

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titleIteration 8.1


1) Training Development, Delivery, and Collaborative Learning

  •  Create presentation material for May QNET Chat with a focus on SAFe 6 upgrade
  •  Identify and analyze tools for an asynchronous training video and create a script for the introduction section

2) Program Support

  •  CQPPM Program support
  •  Prepare for PI Planning observations in 8.2 (QPP and SOG)

3) Other

  •  Create email distribution lists for 3 program persona groups so that we can market LACE relevant services and training to target groups
  •  Upgrade team member SPC to SAFe 6 to allow the LACE team to deliver SAFe 6 courses to the community

serverQualityNet JIRA
columnskey,summary,type,assignee,status,Story Points
jqlQueryproject=LACE and Sprint= 8898 and Labels != LACE-Retrospective_Commitment

Stories Pts CommittedStory Pts CompletedTraining #/ hrsRegistration Total (Fed/Con)No Shows Total (Fed/Con)

Weekly Highlight LACE:

Training Development, Delivery, and Collaborative Learning

  • LACE Coaches upgraded their SPC Credentials to the latest 6.0 version with the goal share knowledge across the community and be able to deliver SAFe 6.0 courses this quarter.
  • Created presentation material for May QNET Chat with a focus on SAFe 6.0 upgrade in preparation for 05/04 where LACE will share the changes and focus to the CCSQ Community.


Program Support:

  • Supported the CQPPM Program
  • Updated LACE PI Planning Checklist for (2) programs. With the goal to maximize the experience, capture observations and share feedback with the leadership team for (QPP and SOG) PI Planning Event the week of May 1st.

Marketing and Communication:

          Increase marketing and awareness of LACE Services to (3) personas groups with the goal of reaching out to this segment and providing relevant services and/or training.          

  • Created email distribution list for (Federal Program Leadership) in confluence
  • Created email distribution list for (ADO Program Leadership) in confluence
  • Created email distribution list for program persona groups (PM3II Program Support) in confluence
  • Requested mailer distro lists via Slack #ess-qualitynetmailer to create list names for (Fed, ADO, and PM3 Program Support) distro list creation.

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titleIteration 8.2


1) Training Development, Delivery, and Collaborative Learning

  •  Finalize and deliver the QNET Chat presentation on SAFe 6.0 upgrade
  •  Rework the activities/exercises for the Agility Foundation training
  •  Peer review the Working Agreement chapter for the Social Contracts video
  •  Produce the Definition of Done chapter for the Social Contracts video

2) Program Support

  •  Complete the PI Planning observations for QPP
  •  Complete the PI Planning observations for SOG
  •  Create a lightweight PPT to support the working session on Story & Feature Authoring with HCD

serverQualityNet JIRA
columnskey,summary,type,assignee,status,Story Points
jqlQueryproject=LACE and Sprint= "LACE PI 8 Sprint 2" and Labels != LACE-Retrospective_Commitment

Stories Pts CommittedStory Pts CompletedTraining #/ hrsRegistration Total (Fed/Con)No Shows Total (Fed/Con)

Weekly Highlight LACE:

Training Development, Delivery, and Collaborative Learning

  • LACE Presented at QNET Chat on 05/04 on the new SAFe 6.0 updates with the Community and how LACE can support.
  • Updated Mural space “Penny Game” exercise with the goal to increase training engagement and experience for the upcoming Agility Foundations training course on 5/16.
  • Reworked “Who’s job is it anyways” activity and exercise in Mural space to match the number of attendees and length on the (5hr) training.
  • Validated and deployed (Working Agreement) chapter for the social contracts (video) with peer review.
  • Produced the (Definition of Done) chapter for the Social Contracts video.
  • Built presentation and content in order to support the working session on Story & Feature Authoring with HCD on 05/09.

Program Support

  • Attended, participated, captured observations on QPP PI Planning Event on May 2nd, 2023, and May 3rd, 2023, and documented notes and improvement opportunities in Confluence (PI Planning Program Checklist).
  • Attended, participated, captured observations on SOG PI Planning Event on May 3rd, 2023, and May 4th, 2023, and documented notes and improvement opportunities in Confluence (PI Planning Program Checklist).

Enterprise Standards and Dashboards

  • Fixed a bug in the Program Dashboards “Barchart Configuration.”
  • Researched capabilities for source data field customization in order to pull “Mandated Feature” completion for “Budget Portfolio Integration” initiative support.

Marketing and Communication

  • Submitted Qualitynet Mailer request for distribution list for (Federal Program Leadership)
  • Submitted Qualitynet Mailer request for (ADO Program Leadership)
  • Submitted Qualitynet Mailer request for program persona groups (PM3II Program Support)

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titleIteration 8.3


1) Training Development, Delivery, and Collaborative Learning

  •  Complete preparation for Agile Foundations training delivery (to be completed delivered in 8.4)
  •  Continue development of the Social Contracts Asynchronous Training video Produce the Definition of Ready overview chapter for the Social Contracts video

2) Program Support

  •  Support the CQP Program by maturing their Feature refinement practices.
  •  Deliver training on Story & Feature Authoring to the HCD team

3) Enterprise Agility

  •  Create PI Planning Template using LUCID products 
  •  Identify communications plan and , delivery structure, and create publish event information page for "Creating Organizational Accountability" community event

serverQualityNet JIRA
columnskey,summary,type,assignee,status,Story Points
jqlQueryproject=LACE and Sprint= "LACE PI 8 Sprint 3" and Labels != LACE-Retrospective_Commitment And Status != Abandoned

Stories Pts CommittedStory Pts CompletedTraining #/ hrsRegistration Total (Fed/Con)No Shows Total (Fed/Con)

Demo Plan

Honorable Mentions

  • Delivered QNET Chat
  • PI Planning observation for QPP and SOG
  • CQP Program support
    • Feature Refinement
  • NEW - CDC Coaching Support Request

Demo Sequence


  • LUCID PI Planning Template


  • Agility Foundations training updates - Presentation and Mural


  • HCD Training


  • COP Development
  • Social Contracts
    • DoD
    • DoR1

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titleIteration 8.4


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titleIteration 8.5


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titleIteration 8.6


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titleIteration 8.7


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titleIteration 8.8


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titleIteration 8.9


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titleIteration 8.10


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titleIteration 8.11


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