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Backlog Refinement

  • Timebox: 1-4hrs/2 weeks iteration
  • Purpose: Provides time to identify dependencies and issues that could impact the next Iteration. Ensures that we have a ready backlog for Iteration planning

  • Attendees: PO, SM, Agile Team, and invited stakeholders

  • Facilitator: PO
  • Preparation: PO sends the list of candidate stories for the next iterations to the Agile Team at least 24h before the meeting
Meeting's flow
  1. The PO presents the set of candidate stories for the next Iteration
  2. The team discusses whether the set of candidate Stories should be reduced or increased; Stories are added or removed
  3. The PO guides the team through the candidate stories one by one:
    1. The team discusses each Story, estimates it, and splits it if necessary
    2. The PO clarifies or supplements the acceptance criteria
    3. The team identifies dependencies on other teams and coordinates with them as appropriate
  4. Action items are summarized for all stories that still require external input or action
Recommended practices
  •  Larger stories are elaborated into small consumable stories (DoR)
  •  Relevant new stories are written by PO & team members
  •  Acceptance Criteria are added/detailed for each story
  •  Stories are sized relatively to the reference stories well known by the team
  •  Each story with its acceptance criteria is discussed between PO & Team in a timebox session
  •  Stories are linked to appropriate DEV team features/stories
  •  Stories are checked against DoR
  •  Enablers are checked against DoR

    Refined stories & enablers with acceptance criteria are READY for the next Iteration

  •  Identified dependencies resolved or with action to follow-up
  •  New risks or impediments with the current plan are surfaced
  •  Sprint Backlog is DEEP (Detailed appropriately, Emergent, Estimated, and Prioritized)
Notes from HCD Observation

Observation Date: 9/1/22

Duration: 1hr

Attendees: Rob Fay, Chelsea Brigg, Amy Castellani, Howard Montgomery, Meaghan Hudak, Brandy Barnette


  • The team provided a review and status for existing OKRs. This seemed to be the primary objective of the meeting. Status was provided, and feedback was given to OKR POCs to facilitate continuing actions to achieve KRs.
  • Good team engagement – Everyone seems invested and willing to contribute feedback
  • After reviewing OKRs, the team began a walkthrough of Features/Stories. The context for the review was driven by Feature ownership/team members.
    • This component of the review seemed focused on work in progress (WIP).
  • The team discussed some general prioritization of planning activities to support the upcoming PI (the next sprint was designated as an IP).
  • The flow of the meeting aimed to provide a comprehensive review of all team activities, aiming to afford all team members an opportunity to review their work.
  • Did not get a sense of the overarching backlog for the team. How is work prioritized across team members? Right now, it seems like each team member is POC over their own siloed backlog. What are the inter-relationships between work items and the overarching HCD vision/objectives?



  • Meeting activities could be more intentional. The flow/approach to the meeting was more “status” centric rather than used for targeted and detailed refinement of the backlog. The emphasis on providing a comprehensive view of what the team is working on/needs to do, limits the ability to complete a detailed review of a set number of features. This is effectively increasing batch size and reducing throughput for backlog refinement.
  • Feature/Stories for discussion need to be identified in advance and may need to be only a subset of the total backlog. Start less, and accomplish more for the meetings.
  • Due to limitations on time vs the volume of items being discussed in the meeting, the team was not able to go into a very detailed review of story writing, acceptance criteria, and sizing.
  • Sizing did not seem to be a standardized/collective effort. Sizing seemed to be at each team member's discretion for their own items. This may be a team nuance/dynamic, however, if that is the case it may need to be noted/reflected in how velocity/throughput is calculated and communicated to stakeholders. This may make longer-range backlog forecasting more complicated and variable.
  • The team referenced an upcoming PI Planning event, but the feature refinement ceremony did not seem to maximize the allocated time in preparing and prioritizing features for the upcoming PI. More time can be focused on planning vs statusing to expedite readiness for PI Planning.

Iteration Review

  • Timebox: 1-2hrs/2 weeks iteration
  • Purpose: Provides the team the opportunity to present the work completed, acceptance criteria met, and its functionality to PO and stakeholders and collect feedback. 

  • Attendees: PO, SM, Agile Team, and invited stakeholders

  • Facilitator: PO
  • Preparation: PO and SM work with the team to ensure the team has not seen the presented completed work for the first time allowing for cross-functionality

Meeting Flow
  1. The team presents the "done" code or completed work to PO and stakeholders
  2. Value delivery is articulated
  3. Functionality not "done" or completed is not shown 
  4. Feedback generated from the demo is collected  
  5. Feedback is collected and put in the team backlog 
Recommended Practices
  •  Come prepared to share the intent of the story and completed work
  •  What is the value delivery of this piece of functionality 
  •  Update the status iteration goals and board for visibility
  •  Ensure the work has been tested and is ready to demo 
  •  Talk about any research or spikes as a result of findings
  •  Be present and engage
  •  Minimize technicality
  •  Keep cadence time-box
  •  Seek feedback from stakeholders
Notes from HCD Observations

Iteration Retrospective

  • Timebox: 1-1.5 hrs/2 weeks sprint 
  • Purpose: Opportunity for learning, improving the product quality and team effectiveness by inspecting the current sprint execution (planned vs achieved commitments, values, and goals) 
  • Attendees: Scrum/Agile Team, SM, and ideally PO, to maintain a safe environment for the team. However, other stakeholders can be invited by the team request 
  • Facilitator: SM  
  • Preparation:  
    • The facilitator selects a retrospective technique to address the challenges experienced by the team during the sprint 
    • The facilitator collects objective facts: data, metrics, observations 
Meeting Flow
  1. Get the participants focus on the activity 
  2. Gather the facts from the iteration: Data, metrics, objective observations 
  3. Define the problems to be addressed  
  4. Understand the root causes of the problems 
  5. Find solutions to the problem 
  6. Determine an action plan 
Recommended Practices
  •  Instill a safe environment for dialogue by sharing the Prime Directive “everyone did his best - no blame” + Las Vegas Rule  
  •  Start with an icebreaker to provide focus and outline the goals of the activity 
  •  Revisit the actionable improvement plan from last retrospective 
  •  Gather the facts from the current iteration (objective observation from team members, team member behaviors, work process, tools, Burndown, Sprint Report, Velocity Chart, CFD, …) 
  •  Make groups/clusters of similar statements 
  •  Define the core problem by adding problem statements as header on each of the groups 
  •  Prioritize the list of problems with, for example, a dot-voting activity 
  •  Understand the problem to solve by investigating the root causes with, for example, the 5 WHY, Fishbone Diagram, Pareto Analysis, ... 
  •  Find solutions for each root cause 
  •  Determine an action plan: Stories are added to the backlog to address the improvement, who is responsible/owner, and how success will be measured 
  •  Close out: Recap with highlights and takeaways from the activity 
Notes from Retrospective Observations

2022-09-02 HCD PI20 S2 Retro • Tantus Tech (

Observation Day  

Duration: 1hr

Attendees: Meaghan Hudak (SM), Rob Fay, Chelsea Brigg, Amy Castellani, Brian Flaherty

  • A team member mentioned extending the retro invite to other external stakeholders for transparency.
    • The retro is an activity exclusively for the internal team including SM and PO so that team members feel safe enough to engage, speak up, and discuss their opportunities for improvements.
  • SM did a good job kicking off and explaining the activity and the timebox for collecting the facts from the iteration. (12) mins were allocated for exercise and additional time for dot votes/ grouping 
    • SM could have reminded the team when the timebox is at 50%, and 10% remaining. However, the SM asked if more time is needed near the end of the timebox.
  • SM did not share the facts from the iteration such as the Burndown Chart, Velocity Chart, or CFD
  • The status of action items from the last retrospective was not discussed. Are the previous action items in to do, in progress, done?  
  • SM should clarify the criteria before each subsequence activity: for example criteria for grouping or voting before the activity is started. However, it get clarify when a team member asked the question
  • The tickets were discussed per priority of the vote (tickets with high votes were discussed first). However, there were good discussions but the opportunities to capture the action items were missed. EX: Discussion about confusing guidance from CMS leadership, internal peer-review request => No action items were captured
    • SM should pay attention to capture the action items in agreement with the team
  • Low team member engagement: only 2 out of the 4 team members were really engaged in the discussions. Another reason why the retro should remain exclusive to the team. 
  • Team member did not have their cameras on for the majority of the retrospective making it difficult to understand the level of presence in the room. 
  • During the retrospective, the team did a great job identifying areas of improvement such as introducing peer-review processes for feedback loop cycles from other team members and cross-functionality, but as mentioned there were no backlog items and commitment from the team. 
  • Team members shared collaboration with LACE on commercial video, training, and identifying action items for PI Planning 
  • The team discussed areas that are currently working such as World Usability Day which is great. however, the retrospective is an area where the team reflects on "How did we do during this Sprint" Did we meet our goals and objectives? 
  • The team seemed concerned about the prioritization of HCD work and structure. Another reason for working agreements and clarification on DoR, DoD team norms. 
  • The energy in the room was very low, retrospectives are also an opportunity to celebrate success and come out with new "ideas" that can improve the team's morale and collaboration.
