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Offered by Request Only

This Business Agility workshop consists of several separate sessions that will end with a business team's first iteration planning. It is a 6 hours long workshop and can be scheduled separately per session on your team's availability. Some of the distinct sessions your team will benefit from are:

Identify Business Process (90 minutes): This session includes 

  • An exercise called "Make your toast," where your team will identify their business process with their actual product
  • Give each team member a chance to describe a business process they think will bring value to the team
  • Lead to a discussion about all the business processes shared by your team and define a unified process model

Set Jira up to support process(90 minutes):

  • Set up Jira to model your defined unified business process.
  • Define an operational model that works with your defined business process
  • Define and create enough work items for 1-2 weeks
  • Review and agree on work placement 

Conduct a planning session(50 minutes)

  • Facilitate a planning session to plan your team's first iteration 

Conduct a Retro(30 minutes)

  • Facilitate a retrospective session to reflect on the workshop 

This workshop will close out with a shared overview of the support curriculum and ways your team can get continuous support from the LACE.

Who should attend?

Any business team willing to go through a transition to agilethat wants to optimize processes, better ways of working, and synchronize with the delivery teams in their program 

Learning Path: Agility Foundations , Estimating Work , Kanban , Business Agility



Want to request this workshop for your team?

Request LACE Support using the the "Request Support" Button below . This will add an item to our backlog that can be evaluated and prioritized into our work flowand a member of the LACE will work with you can your team to begin the process