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Versions Compared


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Initial version

Migrate DEX from Javascript to Typescript to allow the developers to work more efficiently in terms of time and quality.


Non-Functional Requirements:

  • n/a

Reworked version

Objective: Improvement of code quality to provide a high-quality user experience

  •  KR1: Increase the code coverage from 85 to 90% in the next 10 months
  •  KR2: Reduce the defects density (defects in prod per total story points released) by XX% in the next 10 months
  •  KR3: Improve the defect removal efficiency (from the time a


  • defect is identified until it is resolved) by XX% in the next 10 months
  •  KR4: Implement test automation for 50% in the next 10 months

Objective: Increase the code delivery to speed customer feedback and achieve customer satisfaction

  •  KR1: Decrease the Cycle time
  •  KR2: Decrease the WIP limits
  •  KR2: Increase Throughput
  •  KR3: Increase Deployment frequency

Opportunities to capitalize on modern technology to take advantage of new features

and facilitate improved coding capabilities