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This clinic outcomes page will be posted in a confluence space available to all Federal and contractor employees in the CCSQ Community


Original Story:

Author: Joshua Skillington


Dev effort is to package the previously collected QIES Daily Lockbox Check Records information into a report with previously collected IQIES Daily Lockbox Check Records.

Revised Story(s):

Story 1

As a CGI Federal ADO employee, I want to be able to log into IQIES environment with the correct role/privilege using my HARP credentials so that I use the PECOS API Functionality

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Verify that all CGI Federal ADO employees that need to login has a HARP credential
  2. Verify that  the right roles an privileges are granted to all CGI Federal ADO employees that want access

Story 2

As a CGI Federal ADO employee, I want to be able to click the button tap "Request Role Access" so that I can submit a request to use the PECOS API Functionality

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Verify that all CGI Federal ADO employees with the right role/privilege when logged into IQIES environment can click the "Request Role Access" Tab 
  2. Verify that when a CGI Federal ADO employee clicks the  "Request Role Access" tab, they are directed to a page to select a user category

Story 3

As a CGI Federal ADO employee, I want to be able to select "ADO" from a user category list so that I can submit a request to use the PECOS API Functionality

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Verify that all CGI Federal employees with the right role/privilege can select "ADO" from the user category list 

Story 4

As a CGI Federal ADO employee, I want to be able to select an organization related to my ADO so that I can submit a request to use the PECOS API Functionality

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Verify that all CGI Federal ADO organizations are listed
  2. Verify that all CGI Federal ADO employees that want access can select their organization 

Story 5

As a CGI Federal ADO employee, I want to be able to select a user role I need and submit so that I have access to use the PECOS API Functionality

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Verify that all user roles needed by a CGI Federal ADO employee are listed
  2. Verify that a CGI Federal employee has the option to a select user role
  3. Verify that a CGI Federal employee can submit a request after selecting a user role

 Story 6

As a Security Official, I want to be able to review all requests submitted so that I can approve or deny a request 

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Verify that a Security Official can view all request submitted
  2. Verify that they had the option to approve or deny a request


Original Story:

As a CLIA Administrator (DUNE team by proxy)


The IQIES Lockbox Collection will need to account for five processing days of results.

Acceptance Criteria:

QIES/IQIES Daily Lockbox Check Records Report is created.


There is a Reasons column that attempts to outline the reason for a discrepancy.  Eg:  Check record does not exist on QIES..**Notes:

Revised Story(s):


Original Story:



Revised Story(s):


A a medicare recipient user can log into our website so they can view claim information
