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Horizontal Navigation Bar

sparklines on features
Horizontal Navigation Bar Page
titleGlobal Issues

Jira KeyIssue Summary
Jira Key
LACE-3168Issue counts on sparklinesFeatures started and closed
by PIneed to re-identify which sparklines are correct

minor differences in issue countsAll Reports using PI date measuresPI measures use dateBetween, JQL uses during. May need to expand PI measures by one day on either side

Horizontal Navigation Bar Page
titleEQRS Dashboard Issues

ProgramIssue SummaryJira KeyNotes
EQRSsparklines on features started and closed incorrectLACE-3168need to re-identify which sparklines are correct
EQRSminor differences in issue counts
PI measures use dateBetween, JQL uses during. May need to expand PI measures by one day on either side

Horizontal Navigation Bar Page
titleiQies Dashboard

ProgramIssue SummaryJira KeyNotes
EQRSsparklines on features started and closed incorrectLACE-3168need to re-identify which sparklines are correct
EQRSminor differences in issue counts
PI measures use dateBetween, JQL uses during. May need to expand PI measures by one day on either side
