CDR Data Catalog

A data catalog is a collection of metadata, combined with data management and search tools, that helps analysts and other data users to find the data that they need, serves as an inventory of available data, and provides information to evaluate the fitness of data for intended uses.

This page provides the current schemas available in the the Centralized Data Repository (CDR). All data will more closely reflect the source system. Refer to User Guides & References for an overview and a guide to the data catalog.

User may need to download documents to see the content if they do not display well.

Users that have any technical questions regarding the information on this page should send an email to, routing to ADO-QualityNet Analytics-Support. All data listed below is currently in the CDR environment; however, a user will only see what is defined by their data usage agreement (DUA). The data refresh cadence from CDR sources are published for awareness of data timeliness. If the user's organization requires data to be refreshed on a different timeline or cycle, they should submit a Request Form and include details of their request including business justification, data source, requested refresh frequency, and requested refresh dates. Details of the refresh are included in the description of each source. Note that this document will be continuously updated. Additional information will be added regularly and some dates may change due to changing requirements or security mandates.

CDR Data Catalog

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