- Created by Susan Pagan, last modified by Gabrielle O'Neal on Sep 04, 2024
CDR Data Catalog
A data catalog is a collection of metadata, combined with data management and search tools, that helps analysts and other data users to find the data that they need, serves as an inventory of available data, and provides information to evaluate the fitness of data for intended uses.
This page provides the current schemas available in the the Centralized Data Repository (CDR). All data will more closely reflect the source system. Refer to User Guides & References for an overview and a guide to the data catalog.
User may need to download documents to see the content if they do not display well.
Users that have any technical questions regarding the information on this page should send an email to servicecentersos@cms.hhs.gov, routing to ADO-QualityNet Analytics-Support. All data listed below is currently in the CDR environment; however, a user will only see what is defined by their data usage agreement (DUA). The data refresh cadence from CDR sources are published for awareness of data timeliness. If the user's organization requires data to be refreshed on a different timeline or cycle, they should submit a Request Form and include details of their request including business justification, data source, requested refresh frequency, and requested refresh dates. Details of the refresh are included in the description of each source. Note that this document will be continuously updated. Additional information will be added regularly and some dates may change due to changing requirements or security mandates.
Claims Data
Schema | Description | CDR Hive Schema | CDR Table Layouts | Data Dictionaries and Supplemental Information | Refresh |
CSAT | The Healthcare Quality Analytics and Reporting (HCQAR) Complete Statistical Analysis Table (CSAT) is a monthly dataset that provides state and national level claims data variables derived from Medicare Part A / Part B / Part D claims data specifically for the national and state Quality Improvement Networks and Organizations (QIN-QIOs). (SORN) | csat_5 csat_2 Legacy CSAT: csat_201908_baseline csat_201909 [monthly] | Table Layouts for Legacy Schemas: | f | Monthly - Last Friday of every month |
DDPS Part D | The source data for Part D claims is the Drug Data Processing System. Each monthly refresh generally includes all drug claims processed from the previous month (as shown by 'pde_proc_dt'). This schema contains all prescription drug claims covered under Medicare Part D. (SORN) | ddps_part_d | ddps_part_d | Monthly - By the 12th of each month or the following business day | |
NCH Part A | The source data for Part A claims is the National Claims History (NCH) weekly extracts. Each weekly refresh generally includes claims with an ‘nch_daily_proc_dt’ of Friday from the previous week. Part A claims include the Inpatient (IP) and Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF), Home Health (HHA), Hospice, and Outpatient extracts. (SORN) | nch_part_a | nch_part_a | Data Dictionary - FI_HHA_CLM_REC.zip Data Dictionary - FI_OP_CLM_REC.zip Data Dictionary - FI_IP_SNF_CLM_REC.zip Data Dictionary - FI_HOSPC_CLM_REC.zip | Weekly - Thursdays |
MSDRG | A Medicare Severity-Diagnosis Related Group (MSDRG) is a system of classifying a Medicare patient’s hospital stay into various groups in order to facilitate payment of services. Additional information on MSDRG Classifications and Software can be found on the public CMS site: https://www.cms.gov/medicare/medicare-fee-for-service-payment/acuteinpatientpps/ms-drg-classifications-and-software MSDRG Codes in the CDR are generated using the Java API version of the publicly available MSDRG Grouper software produced by CMS. The grouper is a software system that classifies a patient’s hospital stay into an established DRG based on the diagnosis and procedures provided to the patient. In the nch_part_a schema, you will find 3 tables containing all MSDRG Codes produced by the software, as well as the Part A Input data: claims_msdrg_output MSDRG codes in the CDR are available on claims effective from July 2019 onwards. | nch_part_a | nch_part_a | Weekly - Thursdays | |
NCH Part B | The source data for Part B claims is the NCH weekly extracts. Each weekly refresh generally includes claims with an ‘nch_daily_proc_dt’ of Friday from the previous week. Part B claims include the Professional and the Durable Medical Equipment (DME) extracts. (SORN) | nch_part_b | nch_part_b | Data Dictionary - DMERC_CLM_REC.zip Data Dictionary - CARR_CLM_REC.zip | Weekly - Thursdays |
NCH MEDPAR | Medicare Provider Analysis & Review (MedPAR) is a system that consolidates Inpatient Hospital or Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) claims data from the National Claims History (NCH) files into stay level records. MEDPAR records from January 2021 onward are available in the CDR. Historical backfill to include years 2017-2020 is planned. | medpar | medpar | Quarterly |
Important Notes
- The CDR follows National Claims History (NCH) logic, as such Part A claims are split into multiple records when the number of revenue center line items is greater than 45. In HAJI, these were merged into a single claim.
- The CDR includes claim types 61, 62, 63, 64, 80, and 81, which Health Account Joint Information (HAJI) did not include.
- The CDR includes claim adjustments older than five years, which HAJI did not include.
- In Part A Claims, dates showing as '1970-01-01' in the rev_cntr_dt field should be treated as blank or null values
- Recommended data catalog documentation for CDR contributors is located on the CDR Data Contribution Standard Operating Procedure page.
Clinical Data
Schema | Description | CDR Hive Schema | CDR Table Layouts | Data Dictionaries and Supplemental Information | Refresh |
Clinical End Stage Renal Disease Quality Reporting System (EQRS) | This schema will provide End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Facility, Personnel, Patient and Clinical Data for CDR users. | clinical_eqrs | See Data Dictionary file | Monthly – Three months in arrears (e.g. extract for the closed clinical month of September is generated and loaded in early December – a few days after the submission deadline) | |
Renal Data System (RDS) Extracts | End Stage Renal Disease Quality Reporting System (EQRS) data in the format of the RDS extract reports that were first provided from the Reliability and Maintainability Information System (REMIS) system and were later provided by the Network Coordinating Council (NCC). Each quarter data is loaded for all-time from EQRS. | rds_extracts | See Data Dictionary file | RDS Extracts Data Dictionary | Quarterly (January, April, July, October) |
Clinical Extracts | End Stage Renal Disease Quality Reporting System (EQRS) clinical data submitted by End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) care providers from a given closed clinical month in the format of the Clinical Extracts, historically delivered monthly by the EQRS Application Development Organization (ADO). | clinical_extracts | TBD | Clinical Extracts Data Dictionary | Weekly (loaded each weekend) |
Care Compare Extracts | End Stage Renal Disease Quality Reporting System (EQRS) facility and patient data from a given quarter in the format of the Care Compare Extracts, historically delivered quarterly by the EQRS Application Development Organization (ADO). | care_compare_extracts | TBD | Care Compare Extracts Data Dictionary | Quarterly (January, April, July, October) |
Important Notes
- Recommended data catalog documentation for CDR contributors is located on the CDR Data Contribution Standard Operating Procedure page.
Beneficiary and Provider Data
Schema | Description | CDR Hive Schema | CDR Table Layouts | Data Dictionaries and Supplemental Information | Refresh |
Assessment (iQIES) | QIES underwent a series of modernizing, system enhancements resulting in what is now called the Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES). IQIES data in the CDR includes assessment data for HHA, MDS, LTCH, IRF, and Hospice schemas. This data is extracted from iQIES system and the "Most Recent Refresh" column reflects the date at which the data was extracted. The data is generally made available in the CDR within 2 business days of extraction. | assessment_iqies | assessment_iqies | Monthly - 1st Business Day of the month | |
Provider (iQIES) | QIES underwent a series of modernizing, system enhancements resulting in what is now called the Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES). iQIES data in the CDR includes provider data from CASPER and iQIES_CMN schemas. This data is extracted from iQIES system and the "Most Recent Refresh" column reflects the date at which the data was extracted. The data is generally made available in the CDR within 2 business days of extraction. | provider_iqies | provider_iqies | Monthly - 1st Business Day of the month | |
Beneficiary | This source contains beneficiary demographics, entitlement, enrollment, premium, health status and other coverage information from the Beneficiary Information on the Cloud (BIC) source. CDR Hive tables point directly to BIC data in the CMS Enterprise Data Lake (EDL). This data is refreshed each weekend in the CMS EDL and it is made available by Monday in the CDR. CDR contains only a Subset of tables listed in BIC Data Dictionary. | beneficiary_data | beneficiary_data | BIC data lake Data Dictionary.pdf beneficiary data Partition Info.xlsx BIC Data Dictionary Code Values.xlsx Note: Only a subset of BIC tables are available in the CDR. | Weekly - Mondays |
CMS Master Data Management (MDM) Provider Master Index/ Shared Provider Profile (PMI/SPP) | The PMI/SPP contains an integrated view of identity resolved provider data across multiple CMS provider data systems. It includes data from PECOS, NPPES, NPICS, QIES, and T-MSIS. It provides both "current" and "historical" provider data from multiple CMS source systems of record. This data will be the source of provider data (including PECOS) within the CDR. CDR Hive tables point directly to PMI/SPP data in the CMS Enterprise Data Lake (EDL). This data is refreshed each weekend in the CMS EDL and it is made available by Monday in the CDR. | provider_pmi_data | Provider_PMI_Data | Guides: Guide to Using the MDM PMI SPP NPI Profile Tables.docx Guide to Using the MDM Comprehensive PMI and SPP Tables.docx NPI Profile Data Dictionary: MDM 3.0 NPI Profile Delta Tables Dictionary.pdf MDM 3.0 NPI Profile Logical Hive Data Model.pdf MDM 3.0 NPI Profile Physical Hive Data Model.pdf MDM 2.0 NPI Tables Model Diagram.pdf PMISPP Data Dictionary: MDM 3.0 PMISPP Delta Tables Dictionary.pdf MDM 3.0 PMISPP Logical Hive Data Model.pdf MDM 3.0 PMISPP Physical Data Dictionary.pdf MDM table Partition information: provider pmi data Partition Info.xlsx Contact the Data & Analytics team for the password to unlock the documents. | Weekly - Mondays |
DARRT QII | This source includes Quality Improvement Initiative (QII) Data from the Deliverable Administration Review Repository Tool (DARRT). A QII is any formal plan designed to assist a provider(s) and/or practitioner(s) in identifying the root cause of a confirmed quality of care concern, develop a framework in which to address the concern and improve a process or system. QIIs may consist of system-wide (organization-based) and/or non-system-wide (practitioner-based) activities. QII initiation and tracking are performed in DARRT and QII data in the CDR are refreshed every Wednesday at 1:00 AM ET. | quality_measures_darrt_qii | quality_measures_darrt_qii | Weekly - Wednesdays | |
Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) | Public Reporting data provides Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) data to the Hospital Compare website. The data educates consumers by providing them with detailed information on a hospital’s quality of care. This schema is a replacement for ‘legacy_hqr_public_reporting’ and is being made available from the permanent cloud source of data. CDR Hive tables point directly to Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) data in the HQR cloud. The data refresh frequency is controlled by the HQR ADO. | quality_measures_hqr_pub_report | quality_measures_hqr_pub_report.xlsx | Quarterly | |
Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) | Data Form, formerly known as Structural Measures or Web-Based Data Collection Tool, allows IQR, OQR, ASCQR, IPFQR, MU, PCHQR, and HCAHPS providers (or authorized vendors) to enter information related to the environment in which care is provided. CDR Hive tables point directly to Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) data in the HQR cloud. The data refresh frequency is controlled by the HQR ADO. This schema is the replacement for the following legacy schemas:
| quality_measures_hqr_data_form | NA | quality_measure_hqr_data_forms.pdf | Daily |
Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) | IQR and OQR Chart Abstracted Calculations & Outcomes (CACAO) system provide CMS and its stakeholders with system functionality that calculates measure outcomes for clinical quality measures that evaluates data submitted via XML file. CDR Hive tables point directly to Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) data in the HQR cloud. The data refresh frequency is controlled by the HQR ADO. The following measures are included in this data set: OP-2, OP-3, OP-3a, OP-3b, OP-3c, OP-23, OP-18a, OP-18b, OP-18c, OP-18d, and SEP-1 and Bundle Data This schema is the replacement for the following legacy schemas:
| quality_measures_hqr_char_abst | quality_measures_hqr_char_abst | Daily | |
Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) | Notice of Participation is a contract between CMS and hospitals that identifies whether or not they are participating in the IQR, OQR, IPF, and PCH programs. Each of these programs have specific requirements that determine whether or not a facility is participating in a quality reporting program. This data will describe the programs, whether a given hospital is participating, and the date. CDR Hive tables point directly to Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) data in the HQR cloud. The data refresh frequency is controlled by the HQR ADO. This schema is the replacement for the following legacy schemas:
| provider_hqr_nop | provider_hqr_nop | Daily | |
Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) | The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) assesses the accuracy of chart-abstracted data submitted to the Hospital Outpatient Quality Reporting (OQR) Program and the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) Program through the validation process. CMS verifies on a quarterly basis that hospital-abstracted data, submitted to CMS’s Clinical Warehouse via the Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) system, can be reproduced by a trained abstractor using a standardized process. CDR Hive tables point directly to Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) data in the HQR cloud. The data refresh frequency is controlled by the HQR ADO. This schema is the replacement for the following legacy schemas:
| quality_measures_hqr_val | quality_measures_hqr_val | Daily | |
Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) | The HQR system evaluates Medicare claims to determine which claims are eligible for a given quarter for each required measure set for the IQR and OQR Programs. These tables provide the eligible claim counts for the IQR and OQR programs, broken out by provider, measure set, month, and year. CDR Hive tables point directly to HQR data in the HQR cloud. The data refresh frequency is controlled by the HQR ADO. | quality_measures_hqr_claims | quality_measures_hqr_claims | ||
Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) | This schema houses data for hqr exceptions, exceptions reasons, and exception types. | hqr_exceptions | reporting_exception, exception_type, reason | The refresh will occur on demand (initiated by the schema owner when a change is made) | |
Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) | The HQR system consumes eCQM QRDA files and processes the data based on measure logic to determine the measure outcomes for the follow measures: STK-06 SAFE_USE_OF_OPIOIDS CDR Hive tables point directly to Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) data in the HQR cloud. The data refresh frequency is controlled by the HQR ADO. This schema is the replacement for the following legacy schema:
| quality_measures_hqr_ecqm | quality_measures_hqr_ecqm.xlsx | Daily | |
Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) | The Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) system annually calculates and reports End-of-Life (EOL) measure performance results for a given fiscal year for the PCH program. These tables provide the facility-level performance rate and supporting details as well as patient-level summary data. CDR Hive tables point directly to HQR data in the HQR cloud. The data refresh frequency is controlled by the HQR ADO. | quality_measures_hqr_pch | PCH EOL Data Dictionary.xlsx | ||
Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) | This source contains Active Security Administrators /Officials for Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR). CDR Hive tables point directly to Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) data in the HQR cloud. The data refresh frequency is controlled by the HQR ADO. This schema is the replacement for the following legacy schema:
| resource_hqr_sec_admin | resource_hqr_sec_admin.pdf | Daily | |
Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) Hospital Value Based Purchasing (HVBP) | Hospital Value Based Purchasing (HVBP) Summary Data, corresponds with the data in the 542 report. | quality_measures_hqr_hvbp | NA | HQR HVBP Data Dictionary | Annually, beginning of August |
Program Resource System 2.0 (PRS 2.0) | Program Resource System 2.0 (PRS 2.0) is a repository of demographic information for hospital providers in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Survey and Certification System (CASPER), Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (QIES), and Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS). PRS 2.0 assists Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs) and Program Support Contractors in maintaining CMS Programs.
| ess_prs | NA | PRS2-CDR-Data-Dictionary.xlsx | Weekly – but possibly daily based on user validation |
Program Resource System 1.0 (PRS 1.0) | Program Resource System 1.0 (PRS 1.0) is a repository of demographic information for hospital providers in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Survey and Certification System (CASPER), and Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (QIES). PRS assists Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs) and Program Support Contractors in maintaining CMS Programs. PRS data is extracted from the HQR source database and the "Most Recent Refresh" column indicates the date at which the data was extracted. The refreshed data is available each Monday morning however it is typically extracted 1-2 business days earlier. The resource_hqr_prs schema is a replacement for legacy_sdol_np_sdps and resource_hqr_prs_supplemental schema is a replacement for legacy_sddw_np_sdps. | resource_hqr_prs resource_hqr_prs_supplemental | PRS Waiver Type Codes | Weekly - Thursdays | |
Medicare Bayesian Improved Surname Geocoding (MBISG v2.1.2) | Researchers at RAND, in coordination with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Office of Minority Health (OMH), modified an existing method for indirectly estimating race-and-ethnicity from surname and residential information (Bayesian Improved Surname and Geocoding [BISG]) to augment CMS’s SSA-based administrative measure of race-and-ethnicity; this resulted in the Medicare Bayesian Improved Surname Geocoding (MBISG) algorithm. MBISG v2.1.2 is the current version. | mbisg_v212 | NA | MBISG Data Catalouge Documentation Details on the MBISG methodology can be found at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6338295/ | Ad Hoc |
Medicare Bayesian Improved Surname Geocoding (MBISG v2.1.2) | Researchers at RAND, in coordination with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Office of Minority Health (OMH), modified an existing method for indirectly estimating race-and-ethnicity from surname and residential information (Bayesian Improved Surname and Geocoding [BISG]) to augment CMS’s SSA-based administrative measure of race-and-ethnicity; this resulted in the Medicare Bayesian Improved Surname Geocoding (MBISG) algorithm. MBISG v2.1.2 is the current version. | mbisg_v212 | NA | MBISG Data Catalouge Documentation Details on the MBISG methodology can be found at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6338295/ | Ad Hoc |
Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) survey data | The Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) is a continuous, in-person, longitudinal survey of a representative national sample of the Medicare population. The MCBS Survey File contains survey collected data augmented with administrative data to allow for analysis regarding the beneficiaries’ health status, access to health care, satisfaction with health care and usual source of care. Additional information about MCBS can be found at https://www.cms.gov/data-research/research/medicare-current-beneficiary-survey. | mcbs_survey | Pending Instead of including multiple years of MCBS results per table, each year has its own set of tables suffixed with the year number (eg. mcbs_survey.accesscr_2021) | mcbs_survey_data_dictionary.xlsx This data dictionary was compiled using the 2021 MCBS Survey File and Cost Supplement File codebooks. Codebooks for additional years are available at https://www.cms.gov/data-research/research/medicare-current-beneficiary-survey/data-documentation-codebooks | Annual |
Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) cost supplement | The Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) is a continuous, in-person, longitudinal survey of a representative national sample of the Medicare population. The MCBS Cost Supplement links Medicare claims to survey-reported events and provides complete expenditure and source of payment data on all health care services, including those not covered by Medicare reported by our survey beneficiaries. Additional information about MCBS can be found at https://www.cms.gov/data-research/research/medicare-current-beneficiary-survey. | mcbs_cost | Pending Instead of including multiple years of MCBS results per table, each year has its own set of tables suffixed with the year number (eg. mcbs_cost.csevwgts_2021) | mcbs_cost_data_dictionary.xlsx This data dictionary was compiled using the 2021 MCBS Survey File and Cost Supplement File codebooks. Codebooks for additional years are available at https://www.cms.gov/data-research/research/medicare-current-beneficiary-survey/data-documentation-codebooks. | Annual |
Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) beneficiary crosswalk | The Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) is a continuous, in-person, longitudinal survey of a representative national sample of the Medicare population. The beneficiary crosswalk maps MCBS BASE ID values to HICN and BENE ID values, enabling joins on beneficiaries between MCBS and other datasets. Additional information about MCBS can be found at https://www.cms.gov/data-research/research/medicare-current-beneficiary-survey. | mcbs_crosswalk | Pending Instead of including multiple years of MCBS results per table, each year has its own table suffixed with the year number (eg. mcbs_crosswalk.mcbs_bas_hic_xwalk_2021) | Annual | |
NPPES | The National Plan and Provider Enumeration System contains provider NPIs, names, and location information. | nppes | nppes | NPPES dissemination information on CMS website | Quarterly |
Quality Management and Review Systems (QMARS) is a system for case management and review. This data is extracted from QMARS system and the "Most Recent Refresh" column reflects the date at which the data was extracted. The data is generally made available in the CDR within 2 business days of extraction. | qmars | qmars | Monthly - 5th of the month or the next business day | ||
QMARS Next Generation (NG) | The ‘healthcare_service_qmars_ng’ schema contains a set of initial tables that are included from the QMARS Next Generation (NG) application. As the QMARS NG application continues development, additional tables will be added to the CDR. The initial tables include QMARS appeals (Referrals - Fee For Service) data that is originally submitted in FHIR JSON format and then made available in Hive. CDR Hive tables point directly to QMARS NG data in the QMARS cloud. The data refresh frequency is controlled by the QMARS ADO. | healthcare_service_qmars_ng | healthcare_service_qmars_ng | Daily | |
Quality Payment Program (QPP) Universal Data Set (UDS) | The Quality Payment Program (QPP) Universal Data Set (UDS) is a curated data warehouse of all QPP data for analytics and reporting. The QPP team provides an extract of the UDS each month. The "Most Recent Refresh" column reflects the date at which the extract was made available in the CDR however the extract may be several days older. | quality_measures_qpp_uds | quality_measures_qpp_uds | Weekly - Thursdays | |
CRIS | legacy_cris | ||||
SDDW | legacy_sddw_np_sdps | ||||
SDOL | legacy_sdol_np_sdps |
Important Notes
- Recommended data catalog documentation for CDR contributors is located on the CDR Data Contribution Standard Operating Procedure page.
Health Plan Data
Schema | Description | CDR Hive Schema | CDR Table Layouts | Data Dictionaries and Supplemental Information | Refresh |
HPMS | Contains HMO/PDP contract and service area data from the CMS Health Plan Management System. HPMS provides an updated file on the first business day of each month. The data is generally available in the CDR by the 5th of each month. | health_plan | health_plan | Weekly - Fridays |
Important Notes
- Recommended data catalog documentation for CDR contributors is located on the CDR Data Contribution Standard Operating Procedure page.
Public Data
Schema | Description | CDR Hive Schema | CDR Table Layouts | Data Dictionaries and Supplemental Information | Refresh | ||
ADI | The Area Deprivation Index (ADI) contains the GIS information for US neighborhoods. | public_data | Annually | ||||
FDA | The FDA data contains packaging and product information for FDA approved drugs. | public_data | FDA Drug Documentation | Monthly - 1st of the month or next business day | |||
FDB | The First Data Bank (FDB) drug list includes drug data available from the legacy data center and is no longer refreshed. | public_data | None | ||||
Nursing Home Compare | This is the official data for the Nursing Home Compare website. | compare_nursing_home | |||||
FIPS | These tables contain FIPS county and state codes. | public_data | Annually | ||||
ZIP | This table contains the ZIP Codes and other information for cities and towns in the US. | public_data | Monthly - 1st of the month or next business day | ||||
Reference Codes | This schema contains various reference codes such as ICD-10, HCPCS, and others. | resource_ref_codes | Annual (may update quarterly if new code updates) |
Important Notes
- Recommended data catalog documentation for CDR contributors is located on the CDR Data Contribution Standard Operating Procedure page.
Planned Data Sources
Source Name | Description | Future CDR Hive Schema | CDR Legacy Data Sources | Data Dictionary and Supplemental Information | Targeted Date of Availability within CDR |
Important Notes
- Recommended data catalog documentation for CDR contributors is located on the CDR Data Contribution Standard Operating Procedure page.
Legacy Sources
Sources No Longer Being Refreshed
Source | Description | CDR Hive Schema | CDR Table Layouts | Data Dictionaries and Supplemental Information | Final Refresh Date |
HQR - Legacy | legacy_hqr_public_reporting | SDOL_CLDW_PUBLIC_REPORTING_view_logic.zip | 3/2/2020 | ||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_hqr_asc | 4/6/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_hqr_hcahps | 10/21/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_hqr_hcahps_final | 10/20/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_qnol_pch_app | 12/8/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_hqr_struct_msrs | 12/4/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_cldw_rpt_etl | 12/1/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_hqr_pprs_app | 11/10/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_hqr_opps_prs | 12/3/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_hqr_sdol_extfilapp | 12/7/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_hqr_qnol_extfilapp | 12/7/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_hqr_hai | 12/4/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_hqr_cart(QNOL) | 12/3/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_hqr_cart_final (CLDW) | 12/3/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_hqr_ehqr | 11/16/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_hqr_oat_app | 12/2/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_hqr_ipledge_app | 12/9/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_hqr_nop_app | 12/10/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_hqr_opledge_app | 12/9/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_hqr_opps | 12/4/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_hqr_validation_app | 12/7/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_hqr_cart_cdac | 8/11/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_hqr_ci_rpt | 12/10/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_hqr_opps_import | 12/10/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_cldw_prod_data_mgmt | Misc_prod_data_mgmt | 12/9/2020 | ||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_qnol_user_admin | 12/9/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | legacy_sdol_ifmc_common | 3/6/2020 | |||
HQR - Legacy | These schema are copies of the former HQR Oracle databases and applications in SDOL, QNOL, and CLDW. | legacy_hqr_hvbp | 10/19/2020 | ||
Program Resource System (PRS) | legacy_hqr_prs | HQR_PRS | 12/8/2020 | ||
QIES Legacy (Provider) | legacy_provider_data | QIES.S&C.Table-Reports.pdf | 8/27/2020 | ||
QIES Legacy (Assessment) | legacy_assessment_data | 9/15/2020 | |||
Beneficiary | legacy_beneficiary_data | legacy_beneficiary_data | EDB_data_dictionary.doc | 12/3/2020 | |
SDDW | legacy_sddw_np_sdps | Denominator_File_Specifications.doc denominator1_derived_fields.docx denominator2_derived_fields.docx llegacy_sddw_np_sdps_Partition_Info.xlsx For information about beneficiary tables in SDDW: | 12/8/2020 | ||
SDOL | legacy_sdol_np_sdps | 12/8/2020 | |||
CRIS | The Case Review Information System (CRIS) was the predecessor to the QMARS system (see below). It was decommissioned October 31, 2018. All data in this system is archival. | legacy_cris | 1/13/2020 |
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