Standard Project Template (SPTDP) Sample Project: Standard Project Template Development Project - QualityNet JIRA (

Project Workflows & Issue Types

Create Project Boards

1) Create initial board: "'Program' Backlog (All Items)” 

  • Board type: Kanban
  • Project filter query: project = ‘Target project’ ORDER BY Rank ASC
  • Configure the following columns with statuses:

2) Create a Kanban board for the Feature backlog: "‘Program’ Feature Kanban"

  • Board type: Kanban
  • Project filter query: project = ‘Target project’ AND issuetype = 10000 ORDER BY Rank ASC
  • Configure the following columns with statuses:

3) Create a Kanban board for the Project Epic backlog: "‘Program’ Epic Kanban"

  • Board type: Kanban
  • Project filter query: project = ‘Target project’ AND issuetype = "Program Epic" ORDER BY Rank ASC
  • Configure the following columns with statuses:

4) Create Scrum Team board for the Sprint Teams: "'Program' Sprint Board"

  • Board type: Sprint
  • Project filter query: project = ‘Target project’ AND issuetype in (Story, Enabler, Bug, Task, Defect) ORDER BY Rank ASC
  • Configure the following columns with statuses:

Additional Configurations

  • Add Feature size to Feature:


  • For Features: In Issue Detail View, Add ‘Total Story Points’ (same function as custom field “Story Points Sum Up”)
  • Add DoR and DoD checklists: Feature, Story, Enabler, Bug, Defect


  • Add ‘Developer’ & ‘Tester’ to Story, Enabler, Bug, Defect
  • Make Estimate filed available on User Story (edit mode)

Implementing Custom Configuration Requests

Users can request that additional statuses be added to workflows:

  • Requests for additional statuses and workflows should be implemented on a custom workflow for that project
  • Efforts should be made to work them into the status progression
  • Limit ALL status progression when possible

Existing status, workflows, and workflow progression should not be changed

Users can request additional field configurations as needed

Project Setup - Initial Questionnaire

Project long name: 

Project short name (abbreviation; max 10 characters):
Project Type (Development or Business):
Project lead:
Project admins (Responsible for setting permissions for the rest of the team):
Additional Issue types (Project will include Program Epic, Program Objective, Feature, Story, Enabler, Task, Bug, & Defect):
Additional Fields: