Mitchell Sally, MD

Oregon Health and Science University

Mitchell Sally is a trauma and critical care surgeon based in Portland, OR. He splits time between the VA Portland campus, where he serves as the Chief of the Surgical Critical Care Section and an Assistant Chief of Surgery, and Oregon Health and Science University, where he is an Associate Professor of Surgery. Originally from North Carolina, Dr. Sally studied English Literature in college in Pennsylvania prior to matriculating at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. His interest in transplantation outcomes began in medical school, where he worked as a research associate in a laboratory examining liver stem cells and matrices. This interest has carried over to residency training and his professional career, researching the management of the organ donor. Spanning both translational experiments and clinical analysis of donor data prior to transplantation, his goal has been to help understand how best to optimize care of the potential donor and improve transplant outcomes. Dr. Sally is supported in work and life by a partner of over 15 years, two children, and two cats.