Requesting Access to a CloudBees Jenkins Master Step 1: If you do not have a HARP account or an EIDM or EUA account, register for a HARP ID. For instructions on the HARP registration process, refer to the HARP page. Step 2: Once the HARP account has been created, log into HARP and request a QualityNet CloudBees Jenkins entitlement via a HARP User Role. Info |
NOTE: Due to the Jenkins RBAC security model, users requesting the Jenkins_Admin or Jenkins_Developer role must also request the Jenkins_Browse role. Until this functionality is developed in HARP, Admins/Developers will need to submit a second role request for the Jenkins_Browse role. |
- Select User Roles from the top of the page and select Request a Role.
- On the Select a Program Page, select QualityNet-CloudBees Jenkins.
- On the Select an Organization page, select the Jenkins Master you are requesting access to.
- On the Select Roles page, select QualityNet-CloudBees Jenkins user role (choose one)
- Jenkins_Admin
- Jenkins_Browse
- Jenkins_Deployer (not available in all Masters)
- Jenkins_Developer
- Jenkins_SO
- Select the Submit button
- Enter your reason for requesting the selected role in the Request Reason text field.
- Select the Submit button
Step 3: Users requesting the Jenkins_Admin or Jenkins_Developer role must also request the Jenkins_Browse role, repeat Step 2 and request the Jenkins_Browse role. See NOTE above. Step 4:The organization's Security Official reviews and approves/denies the user role request. You will be notified via email that your request has been submitted, and again when your role has been approved or denied.
Accessing CloudBees Jenkins: Step 1: If you do not have Zscaler access, please follow instructions on the Zscaler Getting Started page. Step 2: Log into Zscaler Step 3: Log into CloudBees Jenkins at https://qnetjenkins.cms.gov/cjoc/ using your HARP credentials. Alternatively, you may also log in to the CMS.gov IDM application portal at https://idm.cms.gov and select the CloudBees Jenkins tile Note: you must be connected to Zscaler before logging into CloudBees Jenkins
Requesting a New CloudBees Jenkins Master Step 1: Log into CCSQ ServiceNow using your HARP credentials. If you do not have access to CCSQ ServiceNow, please follow instructions on the CCSQ ServiceNow Getting Started page. Step 2: Select ServiceNow after logging in. Step 3: Locate the SecDevOps Catalog item - Type “catalog” in the Filter Navigator
- Select IT Services Catalog
- Select SecDevOps
- Select ADO Onboarding Request
- Select CloudBees Jenkins Onboarding Request
- Complete online form and select Submit.
Required Information for online form: - Name of the new CloudBees Jenkins Master
- A brief justification for the new CloudBees Jenkins Master
- EX: This new Master will be used by the <Your LOB> team to subdivide major applications that are managed by different teams on our program.