CREATE OR REPLACE FORCE VIEW "OPLEDGE_APP"."VW_GET_OARS_EMAIL_QIO" ("PROVIDER_ID", "PROVIDER_GROUP_ID", "USER_GROUP_ID" , "USR_ID", "EMAIL") AS select gd.detail_value as provider_id, g.grp_id as provider_group_id, gp.grp_id as user_group_id, u.usr_id, from user_admin.grp_detail gd, user_admin.grp g, user_admin.grp gp, user_admin.usr_grp ug, user_admin.usr u where gd.detail_item_id = 17 /* MPN */ and gd.grp_id = g.grp_id and g.grp_type_id = 2 /* Provider */ and gp.grp_id in ( select grp_id from user_admin.grp start with grp_id = g.grp_id connect by grp_id = prior parent_grp_id ) and gp.grp_id not in (1,2,64) /* IFMC, SDPS, ??? */ and gp.grp_id = ug.grp_id and ug.status_cd in (2,5) /* Active, Approved */ and ug.usr_id = u.usr_id and exists ( select * from user_admin.usr_role where usr_id = u.usr_id and status_cd in (2,5) /* Active, Approved */ and role_id in (353,354) /* OPledge Read/Update */ )