00:23:59 Nia Young-LACE: Welcome Everyone, we will begin soon. Please turn on your cameras if you have them because we would love to see your faces. Please remain on mute to minimize any background noise. This session will be recorded. Thanks 00:29:29 Nia Young-LACE: Feel free to drop any questions in the chat and raise hand emoji to make sure we tend to as many questions as possible :) 00:30:36 Mariana Grass: Will we get a copy of the slide deck? 00:31:29 Philip Majewski: First slide said that these tools can't be used and are not approved by CCSQ, are there plans to get approval to use any of these in a work capacity? 00:31:31 Nia Young-LACE: The information from today's session will be posted in the event space and we will be sure to communicate this to everyone at the end 00:33:10 Robert Kilker: Do any of these tools listed have FedRamp certification? 00:34:53 Nia Young-LACE: Resource links from today’s session: https://ai.gov/ https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Blueprint-for-an-AI-Bill-of-Rights.pdf 00:35:57 Jody Callahan: if you have questions about the Technical Direction Board or using a tool in the QualityNet Environment, feel free to reach out on the #help-tdb slack channel 00:36:46 Seth Evans: CCSQ IT Governance where you can find more info on TDB and Approved Technology Portfolio (ATP): https://qnetconfluence.cms.gov/display/GOV/CCSQ+QualityNet+IT+Governance 00:39:05 Philip Majewski: Hi Robert, would love to connect. Can't find you on CCSQ slack, but can you send me a note: Philip.Majewski@ICF.com 00:39:06 Kash Sridhar: You can ask ChatGPT why the video did not play :) 00:39:41 Nia Young-LACE: Good one Kash! 00:41:12 Aldo Barbaran: here is a link to access the Biden Admin Executive order and Initiatives within Fed Agencies https://ai.gov/ 00:52:47 David Nilasena: For ChatGPT 4, is CMS paying the fee or is this a personal account? 00:53:10 Randolph Anagho: This is a personal account 00:55:28 Jody Callahan: If an ADO is going to try to use ChatGPT in the QualityNet environment, please reach out on the #help-tdb channel 01:00:51 Tom Willis: would if i had the time 01:00:56 Amanda Sieracki: Once before. 01:01:21 David Nilasena: Can this take a prewritten script and make a video? 01:01:29 Tom Willis: possibly 01:01:46 Lynne Blair: would certainly consider when the need comes up 01:11:14 Anne McDermott: Do we know if there is a requirement to have FedRAMP approvals to leverage AI capabilities on a platform like ServiceNow or NICE CXOne in production? Or is that a question to put forward to the TDB on use cases? This would apply to perhaps turning on a module that leverages AI to improve the customer experience when engaging with those platforms. 01:13:43 Nia Young-LACE: Jody linked"If an ADO is going to try to use ChatGPT in the QualityNet environment, please reach out on the #help-tdb channel" 01:14:07 Anne McDermott: Thanks for the feedback 01:14:15 Nia Young-LACE: You're welcome! 01:15:57 Meaghan Hudak: Very cool! 01:17:01 Kash Sridhar: Yes! 01:17:11 Randolph Anagho: Yes! 01:17:19 Meaghan Hudak: Definitely! 01:18:14 Nia Young-LACE: 2:10 pm(EST) we will resume with our guest speaker. 01:34:02 Jada Garrett: Here 01:34:03 Keri McDermott: yes! 01:34:08 Lynne Blair: back 01:37:17 Douglas Brown: the comment is in jest, but in fact ChatGPT is capable of coming up with complete nonsense and stating it in a convincing manner. We have to beware of using this tool as a a crutch when we don't know what we're doing, because it doesn't know either. 01:40:59 Cory Steinmetz: I've only used it once and it was a big help 01:42:42 Aldo Barbaran: I have explore it, by integrating the chatGPT API into Python for personal automation task I have explored 😁 01:55:43 Marc Santini: Feel free to ask David questions 02:09:38 Nia Young-LACE: The information from today’s session will be published after event on the link below. Feel free to visit to review the information from today’s event. Community link: https://qnetconfluence.cms.gov/display/LACE/Using+AI+to+Increase+Productivity 02:09:41 Nia Young-LACE: Check out the Upcoming Events you don’t want to miss! https://qnetconfluence.cms.gov/pages/viewpage.action?spaceKey=LACE&title=Upcoming+Events 02:10:30 Beth Connor: A cat with wings 02:10:31 Hayley Dykhoff - HSAG: A raven throwing a lavish pool party 02:10:36 Keri McDermott: a pig with a santa hat 02:10:50 David Scott: love it! 02:11:43 Aldo Barbaran: 🤣 02:11:43 Corinne Smith: Hah that’s great 02:11:58 Elizabeth Brooks: how fun! 02:12:13 Keri McDermott: That is really impressive. Images copyrighted? Free of copyright protection?? 02:13:43 Nia Young-LACE: Raven is living it up 02:13:51 Hayley Dykhoff - HSAG: Love the fedora 02:14:38 Meaghan Hudak: Wow!!! 02:18:18 Nia Young-LACE: Please feel free to reach out to us personally for a follow up on any topic by emailing LACE@cms.hhs.gov 02:18:20 Douglas Brown: There is some debate as to whether images will be fully copyrighted, since in many cases the AI is getting the foundation from somewhere … the lawyers will decide it by combat eventually